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Habeck: Die deutsche Wirtschaft hat den Verlust aller drei Säulen erlitten

Published On: 15. Februar 2024 9:10

Epoch Times 15. Februar 2024: „We are experiencing an economic turnaround, and it is happening under dramatic circumstances,“ said Habeck during the stage talk „RND vor Ort“ by the „Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland“ on Wednesday evening. „German financial and economic policy has had three pillars at its core, and all three pillars have collapsed.“ The first pillar was cheap gas from Russia, which allowed Germany to afford energy-intensive industries. In addition, Germany was able to pay for economic subsidies because it did not have to invest in defense thanks to the USA. The third pillar mentioned was China as a market. „All three are gone,“ said Habeck. „That means we have to rethink the principles of how we plan and approve in Germany. But we also have to ask ourselves whether we have an economic security interest in having certain production capacities available in Europe and Germany.“ As examples, the Minister of Economics mentioned the production of powder ammunition, batteries, semiconductors, and microchips. It is costly to bring these areas to Germany. „Because production is not here in Germany or in Europe, because we had the cheap supply chains of other countries,“ said the Green politician. In the debate about economic stimuli, he advocated for a debt-financed special fund. With regard to the „Growth Opportunities Act“ of the federal government, he admitted that the federal states lacked the financial resources to agree. „The states don’t have the money for that,“ said Habeck. „They say: We can’t afford it.“ Although Habeck described the overall financial volume for new growth impulses, which Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) had set at eight billion euros, as „homeopathic,“ the revenue losses resulting from the planned possibilities of tax deductions for investments were too high for the federal states, explained Habeck. Lindner had wanted to divide the resulting costs equally among the federal government, states, and municipalities. However, in the negotiations, the state governments had said that they could not bear the tax losses „because we still have to finance the schools, the daycare centers, the roads, the playgrounds, and so on,“ said Habeck. „All of that has to be financed too. And now it’s very concrete: these eight billion have become smaller because we have other tasks as well.“ (dts)

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Habeck: Alle drei Säulen der deutschen Wirtschaft sind uns weggebrochen

Epoch Times 15. Februar 2024 „Die Wirtschaftswende erleben wir und zwar unter dramatischen Vorzeichen“, sagte Habeck beim Bühnentalk „RND vor Ort“ des „Redaktionsnetzwerks Deutschland“ am Mittwochabend. „Die deutsche Finanz- und Wirtschaftspolitik hat im Kern drei Säulen gehabt und alle drei Säulen sind uns weggebrochen.“ Die erste Säule sei günstiges Gas aus Russland gewesen, durch das sich Deutschland energieintensive Industrie leisten konnte. Zudem habe Deutschland wirtschaftliche Subventionen bezahlen können, weil man dank der USA nicht in die Verteidigung investieren musste. Als drittes nannte er China als Absatzmarkt. „Alles drei ist weg“, so Habeck. „Das heißt, wir müssen das Prinzip, wie wir in Deutschland planen und genehmigen, überdenken. Wir müssen aber auch uns fragen, ob wir nicht ein Wirtschaftssicherheitsinteresse haben, bestimmte Produktionskapazitäten

Details zu Habeck: Alle drei Säulen der deutschen Wirtschaft sind uns weggebrochen

Categories: Deutsch, EpochTimes, Politik, Quellen, UkraineTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 13
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