putin,-ukraine-und-das-sich-entwickelnde-desaster-im-nahen-ostenPutin, Ukraine und das sich entwickelnde Desaster im Nahen Osten
sieht-aus,-als-haetten-wir-es-geschafft-und-mikes-turners-russische-bedrohungs-betrugSieht aus, als hätten wir es geschafft und Mikes Turners russische Bedrohungs-Betrug


Published On: 17. Februar 2024 6:44

opponents. A recent example is the US underestimating the Taliban in Afghanistan, resulting in a chaotic and disastrous withdrawal. This underestimation is a direct result of the narcissistic belief that they are superior and others are inferior. Lack of empathy: Narcissists have a limited capacity for empathy, especially towards those they view as inferior. This lack of empathy can lead to callous decision making, such as the US drone strike in Kabul that killed innocent civilians, or the EU’s treatment of refugees at its borders. The narcissistic belief in their own superiority blinds them to the suffering of others. Inflexibility: Narcissists are often rigid in their thinking and unwilling to consider alternative perspectives. This can lead to stubbornness and an inability to adapt to changing circumstances. A recent example is the EU’s refusal to consider alternative energy sources in response to the Ukraine crisis, sticking to their belief in their own superiority and the inferiority of others. Rule #4 – The world revolves around me Mechanism: Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and a constant need for admiration. They believe that they are the center of the universe and that everything revolves around them. This belief is reinforced by their feelings of superiority and entitlement. Narcissists expect others to cater to their needs and desires, and become angry or resentful when this does not happen. They have a distorted view of reality, where they are the hero of their own story and everyone else is a supporting character. This self-centeredness can lead to a lack of consideration for others and a disregard for their feelings and needs. Effect on perception and decision making: Lack of perspective: Narcissists have a limited ability to see things from another person’s point of view. This can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding in their interactions with others. A recent example is the US’s failure to anticipate the Russian response to their actions in Ukraine, due to their belief that they are the center of the world and that others will simply fall in line with their plans. Manipulative behavior: Narcissists often manipulate others to get what they want, using charm, flattery, or intimidation to achieve their goals. They may exploit others for their own gain, without regard for the consequences. A recent example is the EU’s manipulation of Ukraine to further their own interests, without considering the impact on the Ukrainian people. Inability to take criticism: Narcissists have a fragile ego and cannot handle criticism or rejection. They may react with anger, defensiveness, or denial when their actions are questioned. This can lead to a lack of accountability and a refusal to acknowledge their mistakes. A recent example is the US’s response to criticism of their handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, with officials deflecting blame and refusing to take responsibility for the chaos that ensued. In conclusion, understanding the rules of the Narcissist Realm can help us make sense of the behavior of narcissistic individuals and elites. By recognizing their patterns of thinking and decision making, we can better navigate interactions with them and anticipate their actions. It is important to remember that narcissists are driven by their own internal model of superiority and entitlement, and that their behavior is not always rational or based on reality. By staying vigilant and aware of these rules, we can protect ourselves from the negative consequences of their actions

Original Artikel Teaser


all-nazi-scum The last few years have been years of miscalculation for the West. Big things have been planned and put into action, and failed. All the wars, all the sanctions, all domestic and economic ‘initiatives’, and all responses to what the adversaries have done are failing or have already failed. In fact, the failure of any venture by the West has become almost guaranteed. This has a lot of people scratching their heads – they simply can’t fathom how this can happen. At the same time the real goals of the western political class have come under increased scrutiny. Everything they do seems to be designed to make things worse for western societies on all levels, including economic, social, health


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