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Die beispiellose Anstrengung der UN zur Reduzierung von CO2 dreht sich tatsächlich um „grüne Finanzen“, die verheerend für Gesellschaften sein werden, wenn wir sie nicht stoppen

Published On: 21. Februar 2024 9:15

ainable development. The NGFS has published several reports and recommendations on how central banks and supervisors can integrate climate-related risks into their financial stability monitoring and supervision. The NGFS has also developed scenarios and stress tests to assess the impact of climate change on the financial system.

High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance The High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (“HLEG”) was established by the European Commission in 2016 to develop a comprehensive strategy on sustainable finance. The HLEG has published several reports and recommendations on how to integrate sustainability considerations into the financial system, including the development of a taxonomy for sustainable activities, the establishment of a green bond standard, and the promotion of sustainable investment practices. The European Commission has adopted many of the HLEG’s recommendations in its Action Plan on Sustainable Finance.

Green Finance Institute The Green Finance Institute (“GFI”) was launched in 2019 as a partnership between the City of London Corporation and the UK government to promote the UK as a global hub for green finance. The GFI aims to mobilize capital for sustainable investments, develop green financial products and services, and provide expertise and thought leadership on green finance issues. The GFI works closely with the NGFS and the HLEG to align UK green finance initiatives with international efforts.

Overall, the push for green finance is driven by a combination of environmental concerns, financial imperatives, and political agendas. While the goals of greening the financial system and promoting sustainable investments are laudable, there are concerns about the potential for green finance to create a new financial bubble and divert resources away from more productive uses. It is important for policymakers, regulators, and investors to carefully consider the implications of green finance initiatives and ensure that they contribute to long-term economic and environmental sustainability

Original Artikel Teaser

UN’s unprecedented effort to reduce CO2 is really about “green finance” which will be devastating to societies if we don’t stop it

Breaking News The United Nations’ unprecedented effort to reduce emissions of CO2, would be not only costly but deadly as well. The denial of efficient, affordable energy to a world in need would necessarily lead to the loss of millions of lives and the impoverishment of many millions more. This is intentional. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… The above are remarks made in the introduction of a 64-page report published by the Executive Intelligence Review (“EIR”) in September 2019.  The report is aptly named ‘ CO₂ Reduction’

Details zu UN’s unprecedented effort to reduce CO2 is really about “green finance” which will be devastating to societies if we don’t stop it

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