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Ein Interview mit Paul Sweezy, einem Giganten des marxistischen Denkens im 20. Jahrhundert

Published On: 23. Februar 2024 20:44

hem to sustain. But I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe will continue to resist, and they will continue to develop in their own way. I don’t think they are going to become capitalist countries. They have their own problems, of course, and their own contradictions, but they are not capitalist contradictions. They are not contradictions that are leading them back into the capitalist system. So, in that sense, I think they are still important as counterweights to the capitalist system. And I think it’s important for people in the West to recognize that and to support them in their struggle against imperialism. That doesn’t mean we have to support everything they do, of course. There are many things that are wrong in those societies, and we should criticize them. But we should also recognize that they are not capitalist societies, and that they are important as bulwarks against imperialism

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An Interview with Paul Sweezy, a Giant of 20th Century Marxist Thinking

Paul Sweezy and Ahmet Tonak in the offices of Monthly Review, NYC, 1986. The Sweezy interview owed its origin to the urge to counter internationally the rise of left-wing liberalism (“liberalism in the European sense) and postmodernism on the left in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Some countries felt this earlier and more strongly: France, which was home to these schools, or some Eastern European countries, where “market socialism” was the catchword of the rising liberal movement. The US left intelligentsia became entranced with this trend, called the “French Theory” here, from the 1980s on. In Turkey, the country of origin of the interviewers, it was also in the 1980s, when the entire left was suffering the heavy blows

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palaestina-ist-ein-nukleares-thema-–-warum-schweigt-hiroshimaPalästina ist ein nukleares Thema - Warum schweigt Hiroshima
palaestina-weist-den-weg-nach-vornePalästina weist den Weg nach vorne