palaestina-weist-den-weg-nach-vornePalästina weist den Weg nach vorne
folter-und-misshandlung-durch-die-cia:-schande-amerikas!Folter und Misshandlung durch die CIA: Schande Amerikas!

Roaming-Gebühren: Etwas unreif

Published On: 23. Februar 2024 20:44

ral lands. The court ruled that the Biden administration did not have the authority to impose such a moratorium without going through the proper regulatory process. This decision is a blow to efforts to combat climate change and protect public lands. + The US Senate has confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, making her the first Black woman to serve on the nation’s highest court. Jackson’s confirmation is a historic moment for the country and a step towards a more diverse and representative judiciary. + The Biden administration has announced a plan to invest $1 billion in the development of domestic critical minerals production. This initiative aims to reduce US reliance on foreign sources of critical minerals, which are essential for the production of various technologies, including electric vehicles and renewable energy systems. + The US Senate has passed a bill to make daylight saving time permanent, ending the practice of changing clocks twice a year. The bill now goes to the House for consideration. + The Biden administration has announced a plan to invest $1.2 billion in the development of offshore wind projects along the East Coast. This initiative is part of the administration’s efforts to expand renewable energy production and create jobs in the clean energy sector. + The US Senate has passed a bill to provide $13.6 billion in emergency aid for Ukraine in response to Russia’s invasion. The bill includes funding for military assistance, humanitarian aid, and economic support for Ukraine. + The Biden administration has announced a plan to reinstate methane regulations that were rolled back by the Trump administration. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, and reducing methane emissions is a key part of the administration’s efforts to combat global warming. + The US Senate has passed a bill to provide $1.5 trillion in funding for government agencies and programs, averting a government shutdown. The bill includes funding for a wide range of priorities, including defense, education, and healthcare. + The Biden administration has announced a plan to invest $7 billion in expanding access to high-speed internet in rural and underserved areas. This initiative is part of the administration’s efforts to bridge the digital divide and ensure that all Americans have access to reliable internet service

Original Artikel Teaser

Roaming Charges: Somewhat Immature

Still from Child’s Play. + “Somewhat Immature”: That’s how Brig. Gen. Anthony Mastalir, commander of U.S. Space Forces Indo-Pacific, described the rules of engagement for orbital warfare–which is saying something given the “mature” anything goes RoE in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Gaza-by-proxy. Mastalir: “When you think about a hostile act or demonstrating hostile intent in space, what does that look like? And do all nations have a shared understanding of what that looks like?” + Tim Sebastian: “You go on supplying them [Israel] with hardware to do these things, you own this operation every bit as much as they do, don’t you?” Nancy Pelosi: “No, we don’t. We don’t…there’s nothing that we have sent since Oct. 7 that

Details zu Roaming Charges: Somewhat Immature

palaestina-weist-den-weg-nach-vornePalästina weist den Weg nach vorne
folter-und-misshandlung-durch-die-cia:-schande-amerikas!Folter und Misshandlung durch die CIA: Schande Amerikas!