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Großbritanniens Plan, eine „Wissenschafts- und Technologiesupermacht“ zu werden, schreitet voran; Dystopie droht

Published On: 24. Februar 2024 11:00

ial and behavioural sciences to understand how people interact with technology and how we can design systems that are safe, secure, and trustworthy.” This raises concerns about the potential for the government to use behavioural sciences to manipulate and control the population through technology.

Overall, the UKSTF’s focus on developing critical technologies and collaborating with intelligence services raises concerns about the potential for a dystopian and technologically controlled society. The government’s emphasis on becoming a “science and technology superpower” may come at the cost of individual freedoms and privacy. It is important for citizens to stay informed and vigilant about the government’s actions in the realm of science, innovation, and technology to ensure that they are not being manipulated or controlled for ulterior motives. Subscribe to The Exposé to receive uncensored news and stay informed about the government’s actions in this area

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UK’s plan to be a “science and technology superpower” progresses; dystopia looms

Breaking News The UK government has published an update on the progress of its Science and Technology Framework.  Originally published in March 2023, the update details what the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”) has achieved in the first year of the Framework’s existence. In the name of stimulating economic growth through the government’s plan to become a “science and technology superpower,” it has funded projects that bring us ever nearer to a dystopian and technologically controlled society. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… On 9 February

Details zu UK’s plan to be a “science and technology superpower” progresses; dystopia looms

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compact-vor-ort:-ein-gespraech-mit-martin-sellner-ueber-grenzthemenCOMPACT vor Ort: Ein Gespräch mit Martin Sellner über Grenzthemen
unterwegs-zum-parlament:-die-„letzte-generation“-bevorzugt-konferenzsesselUnterwegs zum Parlament: Die "Letzte Generation" bevorzugt Konferenzsessel