die-welt-strebt-nach-frieden-–-baerbock-lehnt-ihn-abDie Welt strebt nach Frieden – Baerbock lehnt ihn ab
berliner-zeitung:-karl-lauterbach-plant,-das-deutsche-gesundheitswesen-fuer-„militaerische-konflikte“-auszuruestenBerliner Zeitung: Karl Lauterbach plant, das deutsche Gesundheitswesen für "militärische Konflikte" auszurüsten

Das Ende des Krieges ist nahe

Published On: 2. März 2024 8:07

r to avoid complete defeat. The end result is mutual destruction. There are no winners in a nuclear war. The absolute futility of war is clear when we consider the consequences of modern warfare.

We must abolish war before it abolishes us. We must demand accountability from our governments and ensure that they act in the interest of their citizens, not in the interest of corrupt globalists. We must uphold international law and prevent the abuse of power by those who seek to dominate and enslave us.

It is time for us to stand up and say no to war. It is time for us to prioritize morality above all else and ensure that we have a future worth living for. The choice is ours, and the consequences of inaction are too dire to ignore. Let us work together to abolish war and create a world where peace and justice prevail

Original Artikel Teaser

The End of War is Nigh

Breaking News War is a very recent endeavour for mankind. No late Stone Age cave painting (Upper Paleolithic from 40,000 to 4,000 BC) depicts any human attacking any other human directly. Whereas written history books (from 4000 BC) contain little else. By a concerned reader Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… “Systemic warfare appears to have been a direct consequence of the sedentism as it developed in the wake of the Neolithic Revolution” (the first agricultural revolution, our conversion from hunter gatherers to settlers and farmers) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_warfare.

Details zu The End of War is Nigh

die-welt-strebt-nach-frieden-–-baerbock-lehnt-ihn-abDie Welt strebt nach Frieden – Baerbock lehnt ihn ab
berliner-zeitung:-karl-lauterbach-plant,-das-deutsche-gesundheitswesen-fuer-„militaerische-konflikte“-auszuruestenBerliner Zeitung: Karl Lauterbach plant, das deutsche Gesundheitswesen für "militärische Konflikte" auszurüsten