niedergang-des-reiches-und-kostspielige-illusionenNiedergang des Reiches und kostspielige Illusionen
wo-bin-ich?-erschoepfter-biden-bittet-um-wegbeschreibung,-um-das-kapitol-zu-verlassenWO BIN ICH? Erschöpfter Biden bittet um Wegbeschreibung, um das Kapitol zu verlassen

Wie Madeleine Albright den Krieg bekam, den die USA wollten

Published On: 8. März 2024 15:25

6] The Yugoslav delegation refused to sign the plan, and on March 24, 1999, NATO began its bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. The bombing lasted for 78 days and resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians and the displacement of hundreds of thousands more. The Rambouillet Agreement was never implemented, as it was clear from the start that its true purpose was to provoke a war, not to achieve a peaceful resolution. The bombing of Yugoslavia was a blatant act of aggression, carried out under false pretenses and in violation of international law. It set a dangerous precedent for future interventions and military actions by Western powers, undermining the principles of sovereignty and self-determination. The legacy of the bombing of Yugoslavia continues to be felt in the region today, as the consequences of that illegal and unjust war continue to reverberate

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How Madeleine Albright Got the War the U.S. Wanted

Twenty-five years have passed since the U.S.-orchestrated NATO attack on Yugoslavia. As the United States readied its forces for war in 1999, it organized a peace conference that was ostensibly intended to resolve differences between the Yugoslav government and secessionist ethnic Albanians in Kosovo on the future status of the province. A different scenario was being played out behind the scenes, however. U.S. officials wanted war and deliberately set up the process to fail, which they planned to use as a pretext for war. The talks opened on February 6, 1999, in Rambouillet, France. Officially, the negotiations were led by a Contact Group comprised of U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia Christopher Hill, European Union envoy Wolfgang Petritsch, and Russian diplomat Boris

Details zu How Madeleine Albright Got the War the U.S. Wanted

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niedergang-des-reiches-und-kostspielige-illusionenNiedergang des Reiches und kostspielige Illusionen
wo-bin-ich?-erschoepfter-biden-bittet-um-wegbeschreibung,-um-das-kapitol-zu-verlassenWO BIN ICH? Erschöpfter Biden bittet um Wegbeschreibung, um das Kapitol zu verlassen