unerwarteter-wahlsieg-der-rechten-partei:-jugend-und-laendliche-bevoelkerung-schliessen-sich-zusammenUnerwarteter Wahlsieg der rechten Partei: Jugend und ländliche Bevölkerung schließen sich zusammen
liveticker-zum-krieg-in-der-ukraine:-selenskij-kuendigt-den-bau-von-verteidigungslinien-ueber-tausende-kilometer-anLiveticker zum Krieg in der Ukraine: Selenskij kündigt den Bau von Verteidigungslinien über Tausende Kilometer an

BRISANTE Beweise für Regierungsbetrug von ehemaligem Polizeibeamten, der sich jetzt versteckt

Published On: 11. März 2024 17:19

its nature. So I think that’s a very good point that you’ve made there. And I think, you know, people need to take action, people need to do their own research, people need to share this information, and people need to hold those in power accountable. And I think that’s the only way we’re going to see real change happen. So I really appreciate you sharing all of this information with us today, and I think it’s really important for people to take action and to really push for this change to happen. So thank you so much for joining us today and for sharing all of this information with us. GW – Thank you very much for having me, I really appreciate it. And I hope that this information can help to bring about positive change in our society. Thank you. RV – Thank you

Original Artikel Teaser

EXPLOSIVE Evidence of Government Fraud From Former Police Officer Who is Now in Hiding.

Breaking News Theresa May and 100 MPs are now not renewing their seats in Parliament due to the inquiries being made and evidence found by former police officer, Gary Waterman. Gary has exposed a “huge government fraud” surrounding the illegal practices at Companies House and the registration process. Importantly there is also irrefutable evidence that links this system to Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert Maxwell and Max Clifford according to Gary Waterman who also claims that every single tenant of the World Trade Center at the time of the collapse links to this system of fraud, as well as every single tenant of both airline companies. Gary Waterman also says Larry Silverstein who purchased the lease for the World Trade

Details zu EXPLOSIVE Evidence of Government Fraud From Former Police Officer Who is Now in Hiding.

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unerwarteter-wahlsieg-der-rechten-partei:-jugend-und-laendliche-bevoelkerung-schliessen-sich-zusammenUnerwarteter Wahlsieg der rechten Partei: Jugend und ländliche Bevölkerung schließen sich zusammen
liveticker-zum-krieg-in-der-ukraine:-selenskij-kuendigt-den-bau-von-verteidigungslinien-ueber-tausende-kilometer-anLiveticker zum Krieg in der Ukraine: Selenskij kündigt den Bau von Verteidigungslinien über Tausende Kilometer an