„die-ersten-patronen-enthielten-tinte“„Die ersten Patronen enthielten Tinte“
dr.-hauke-ritz:-der-kampf-um-die-deutung-der-neuzeit“Dr. Hauke Ritz: Der Kampf um die Deutung der Neuzeit“

US-Firma zahlt Söldnern für Ukraine-Einsätze 1.000 bis 2.000 Dollar pro Tag plus Boni

Published On: 10. Oktober 2022 0:20

Wie kommen eigentlich die ganzen Söldner in die Ukraine? Durch Überzeugung, für das Gute zu kämpfen? Mag sein, daß es solche Fälle gibt. Doch die Antwort ist wohl viel profaner: Durch viel viel Geld.

Die Nato-Länder oder andere Auftraggeber (denn kaum wird die Nato direkt als Auftraggeber in Erscheinung treten) lassen sich den Krieg gegen Rußland einiges kosten: So zahlt eine US-Firma Söldnern 1.000 bis 2.000 Dollar pro Tag. Hinzu kommen Boni bei gut erfüllten Kriegs- bzw. Missions-Aufträgen.

Da ja die Firma auch noch Gewinn machen will, kann man davon ausgehen, daß die letztlichen Auftraggeber (die Steuerzahler der Nato-Länder?) wesentlich mehr bezahlen müssen pro Tag.

Mindestqualifikation: 5 Jahre militärische Erfahrung, gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Kleinwaffen, körperlich fit, so eines der Stelleninserate auf Silent professionals (Stille Professionelle), erschienen ist. Weiter heißt es:

„Der Arbeitgeber ist ein Unternehmen mit Sitz in den USA“, das Personal für verdeckte Operationen auf dem Lande und in den Großstädten der Ukraine sucht. “

Das komplette Stelleninserat:

„Employer is a US-based corporation seeking multiple Extraction / Protective Agents and teams to conduct part-time, covert, extraction / evacuation operations of individuals and families throughout the countryside and major cities of Ukraine.  Both male and female agents are welcome to apply.  Only highly experienced candidates who possess at least 5+ years of military experience in this region of Europe will be considered for this role – no exceptions.

NOTE: If you do not have extensive prior experience protecting private clients in a solo practitioner / small team capacity and 5+ years of military experience, you will not be competitive.  Only competitive candidates will be contacted for further vetting.  Non-competitive candidates will simply not be considered or contacted.


– Perform pre-mission route reconnaissance based on self gathered and local intelligence

– When possible liaise and leverage friendly forces, local authorities, or resistance fighters within the various AO’s for local and battlefield intelligence, clearance to travel, safe areas, aid stations, etc.

– Travel nationally by any means necessary in support of rescue / protective operations

– Practice OPSEC and COMSEC with sensitive and confidential material

– Flex and adapt as needed based on SALUTE types of intelligence

– Work weekdays, weekends, late hours and holidays

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS (do NOT apply without meeting these minimum qualification requirements):

– Must have 5+ years combined experience from either military and/or private military experience with at least 1 year of overseas combat experience

– Have strong working knowledge of how to implement Soviet-era and NATO small arms

– Have critical thinking skills with ability to work through complex problems quickly and efficiently for the preservation of life

– Ability to navigate with map and compass

– Candidate must be very physically fit

– Possess a high-degree of professionalism, responsibility, resolve and maturity

– Must be able to brief, persuade, and instruct others on objective requirements

– Possess a current US, UK, CAN, AUS, NZ, UKR, POL or dual citizen Passport with a EU or Schengen nation


– Candidates who are currently residing in Ukraine, a border country, or within an EU or Schengen nation

– Ability to speak Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, and or Moldovan language(s)

– Candidates with prior backgrounds in a Tier 1, SOF or combat arms MOS are highly desired and will be given primary preference

– Have a strong working knowledge of Ukrainian highways, roadways, terrain and culture

– Have prior experience conducting rescue operations with little to no support within war-torn or active warzone battlescapes

– Prior experience working with FBOs and knowledge of pathfinder operations

– Have experience and knowledge with vehicle, aircraft, and naval craft recognition skills of Soviet-era and NATO military armament

– Candidates that possess active First Responder, EMT certifications, or attended an 18D course are highly desired

– Have prior experience conducting surveillance / counter surveillance operations within the private security, private military, or military sectors

– Have prior experience conducting advance operations in support of private security, private military, or military sectors

– Possess prior experience as a security driver – specifically driving in a low profile capacity through hostile territory as a solo vic or part of a very small convoy „

Categories: KareninaTags: , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 14
„die-ersten-patronen-enthielten-tinte“„Die ersten Patronen enthielten Tinte“
dr.-hauke-ritz:-der-kampf-um-die-deutung-der-neuzeit“Dr. Hauke Ritz: Der Kampf um die Deutung der Neuzeit“