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FBI Refuses To Reveal Other Social Media Companies It Paid To Censor and Suppress Users

Published On: 28. Dezember 2022 13:32

The FBI refused to specify what other social media companies it paid to censor and suppress content following the damning revelations of the Twitter Files.

The latest batch of the Twitter Files showed the FBI and Biden regime colluded with Twitter to censor users and suppress content ranging from criticism of COVID policies to the Hunter Biden laptop story.

FBI officials told Fox News that the nearly $3.5 million payment to Twitter was a “reimbursement” for the “reasonable costs and expenses associated with their response to a legal process…For complying with legal requests, and a standard procedure.”

“While we are not able to speak to specific payments, the government is required to provide reimbursement for reasonable expenses directly related to searching for, assembling, reproducing, or otherwise providing the information responsive to the legal process.  This requirement is set by federal law and the courts are the final arbiters of what is reasonable compensation,” the FBI officials said, adding that the bureau doesn’t “just reimburse Twitter.”

Twitter CEO Elon Musk claimed Tuesday that Twitter isn’t the only social media firm working closely with the FBI to censor users and content.

“*Every* social media company is engaged in heavy censorship, with significant involvement of and, at times, explicit direction of the government. Google frequently makes links disappear, for example,” Musk tweeted.

Most people don’t appreciate the significance of the point Matt was making:

*Every* social media company is engaged in heavy censorship, with significant involvement of and, at times, explicit direction of the government.

Google frequently makes links disappear, for example.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2022

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi substantiated Musk’s point, claiming the FBI was in “constant contact” with companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, and Pinterest.

17. These included Facebook, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, even Pinterest, and many others. Industry players also held regular meetings without government.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 24, 2022

Following the release of the latest Twitter Files, the FBI defended its censorship actions with Twitter and attacked “conspiracy theorists” for trying to spread “misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency.”

Categories: Russia TodayTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 15
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