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Cruz: Dems “Perfectly Willing To Turn A Blind Eye” To Child Rape And Murder At Border

Published On: 30. März 2023 8:10

Appearing Hannity Wednesday, Senator Ted Cruz expanded on his comments earlier in the week to the head of the Department of Homeland Security, charging that Democrats are ignoring serious criminality at the border in the hope that illegal immigrants will become future voters.

“They are allowing it because they made a political choice,” Cruz said, asserting that the plan only works with the complicity of the establishment media to also ignore the crisis.

“At the beginning of the Biden administration, they decided unlimited illegal immigration, open borders, they view everyone of those 5.5 million illegal immigrants that have come in under Joe Biden as a future Democrat voter,” Cruz urged.

He added, “And so they’re perfectly willing to turn a blind eye, they don’t care about the children that are physically assaulted, that are sexually assaulted.”

“They don’t about the women who were raped. They don’t care about the dead bodies that are piling up,” the Senator proclaimed.


On Tuesday, Cruz told DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to his face “your refusal to do your job is revolting,” adding “you’re willing to let children be raped to follow political orders.”

“This is a crisis, it’s disgrace, and you won’t even admit this human tragedy is a crisis,” Cruz continue, calling for Mayorkas to resign.


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Categories: InfowarsTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 15
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