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Why you will be cold this winter

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 4:15


Winter is a season that brings with it a lot of cold weather. It is a time when people have to bundle up in warm clothes and turn up the heat in their homes to stay warm. However, despite all these efforts, some people still feel cold during the winter. This article explores the reasons why you will be cold this winter.

Reasons why you will be cold this winter

1. Poor insulation

One of the main reasons why you will be cold this winter is poor insulation. If your home is not properly insulated, heat will escape through the walls, roof, and windows, leaving you feeling cold. To prevent this, you should ensure that your home is properly insulated. This can be done by adding insulation to your walls, roof, and windows.

2. Drafts

Another reason why you will be cold this winter is drafts. Drafts are caused by gaps and cracks in your home that allow cold air to enter. To prevent drafts, you should seal any gaps and cracks in your home. This can be done by using weather stripping or caulking.

3. Poor heating system

A poor heating system can also make you feel cold during the winter. If your heating system is not working properly, it will not be able to keep your home warm. To prevent this, you should ensure that your heating system is in good working condition. This can be done by having it serviced by a professional.

4. Low humidity

Low humidity can also make you feel cold during the winter. When the air is dry, it can cause your skin to feel dry and itchy, making you feel colder. To prevent this, you should use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.

5. Poor circulation

Poor circulation can also make you feel cold during the winter. If your blood is not circulating properly, it will not be able to keep your body warm. To prevent this, you should exercise regularly and avoid sitting for long periods of time.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why you will be cold this winter. Poor insulation, drafts, a poor heating system, low humidity, and poor circulation are just a few of the reasons why you may feel cold during the winter. To prevent this, you should ensure that your home is properly insulated, seal any gaps and cracks, ensure that your heating system is in good working condition, use a humidifier, and exercise regularly. By taking these steps, you can stay warm and comfortable during the winter months

Original article Teaser

Why you will be cold this winter

A few days ago Eskom told us that stage six power cuts were to last indefinitely. This means we are about to experience the longest period of power cuts since these began in 2007. While in stage six, most of the country will have no electricity for six hours a day and we could be very cold through the coming winter. According to Eskom’s latest system update, about half of its coal-powered generation capacity is offline due to breakdowns, and only about 12 percent is due to planned maintenance. That is overwhelming evidence that Eskom has been delaying maintenance and is unable to run its own power stations. Worsening blackouts are the reason businesses are fast developing plans to deal

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