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The Anti-Woke Civil War: Spiked vs Bridgen

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 18:11


The culture war between the woke and the anti-woke has been raging for years now, with both sides fiercely defending their beliefs and values. Recently, this war has taken a new turn, with two prominent figures on the anti-woke side engaging in a public spat. The two figures in question are Brendan O’Neill, the editor of Spiked Online, and Andrew Bridgen, a Conservative MP.

The Spat

The spat began when Bridgen accused O’Neill of being a „champagne socialist“ and a „metropolitan elitist“ who was out of touch with the concerns of ordinary people. O’Neill responded by accusing Bridgen of being a „Tory toff“ who was more interested in defending the interests of the wealthy than in standing up for the working class.

The exchange quickly escalated, with both men trading insults and accusations. O’Neill accused Bridgen of being a „snob“ who looked down on ordinary people, while Bridgen accused O’Neill of being a „hypocrite“ who talked a good game but didn’t actually care about the issues he claimed to be passionate about.

The Issues

At the heart of the spat between O’Neill and Bridgen are some of the key issues that have been driving the anti-woke movement. These include concerns about cancel culture, political correctness, and the erosion of free speech. Both O’Neill and Bridgen have been vocal critics of these trends, and have argued that they are damaging to society as a whole.

However, there are also some differences between the two men. O’Neill is a self-described Marxist who believes that the left has lost its way and needs to return to its roots in order to be effective. Bridgen, on the other hand, is a Conservative MP who has been critical of some of the more extreme elements of the anti-woke movement, such as those who have been accused of racism or bigotry.


The spat between O’Neill and Bridgen highlights some of the tensions and divisions within the anti-woke movement. While there is broad agreement on many issues, there are also differences of opinion on how best to address these issues and what the ultimate goals of the movement should be. As the culture war continues to rage, it is likely that we will see more of these kinds of disagreements and debates. However, it is also important to remember that ultimately, the anti-woke movement is united by a shared belief in the importance of free speech, individual liberty, and the pursuit of truth

Original article Teaser

Spiked vs Bridgen: The Anti-Woke Civil War

The Spiked vs Andrew Bridgen debate continues to rage. If you’ve been living in a cave (i.e., don’t spend all your time online consuming futile culture war content), Fraser Myers wrote a pretty scathing article labelling former Tory and now Reclaim MP Andrew Bridgen an “anti-vax conspiracy theorist” for his views on vaccine harms. Esteemed editor of this publication, Dr. Will Jones, provided an excellent rebuttal to the article, but that has not stopped this civil war in the anti-woke coalition continuing to escalate. Bridgen hit back at Myers on Twitter, and Saint Andrew Doyle (which I say with no irony) arranged a debate between the two on his GB News show, Free Speech Nation. Myers has since written another

Details to Spiked vs Bridgen: The Anti-Woke Civil War

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