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The So-Called ‚Nitrogen Crisis‘ Poses a Disastrous Threat to the Entire Global Food Supply

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 8:00


A new report from the United Nations (UN) warns that the entire global food supply is at risk due to a disastrous response to the so-called „nitrogen crisis.“ The report states that the overuse of nitrogen fertilizers is causing significant environmental damage, including air and water pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change. The report also warns that the world’s food supply is at risk if action is not taken to address the issue.

The Nitrogen Crisis

The nitrogen crisis refers to the overuse of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth, but too much of it can cause significant environmental damage. When nitrogen is applied to crops, much of it is not absorbed by the plants and instead leaches into the soil and waterways. This excess nitrogen can cause algal blooms in waterways, which can lead to oxygen depletion and the death of aquatic life.

The overuse of nitrogen fertilizers also contributes to climate change. Nitrogen fertilizers release nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas that is 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. The report states that the use of nitrogen fertilizers is responsible for 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The Impact on Food Supply

The UN report warns that the world’s food supply is at risk if action is not taken to address the nitrogen crisis. The report states that the overuse of nitrogen fertilizers is leading to soil degradation, which can reduce crop yields. The report also warns that the environmental damage caused by the overuse of nitrogen fertilizers can lead to food insecurity, as it can impact the quality and quantity of food produced.

The report calls for a shift towards more sustainable agricultural practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers and crop rotation. The report also calls for better regulation of nitrogen fertilizer use and for farmers to be incentivized to adopt more sustainable practices.


The nitrogen crisis is a significant environmental issue that is impacting the world’s food supply. The overuse of nitrogen fertilizers is causing significant environmental damage, including air and water pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change. The UN report warns that the world’s food supply is at risk if action is not taken to address the issue.

To address the nitrogen crisis, the report calls for a shift towards more sustainable agricultural practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers and crop rotation. The report also calls for better regulation of nitrogen fertilizer use and for farmers to be incentivized to adopt more sustainable practices. It is essential to take action now to ensure the long-term sustainability of our food supply and the health of our planet

Original article Teaser

Entire Global Food Supply at Risk From Disastrous Response to So-Called ‘Nitrogen Crisis’

The full horror of the ‘nitrogen’ war on agriculture is becoming more apparent every day. Food supplies around the world face collapse if the use of nitrogen fertiliser is severely restricted under Net Zero requirements. It is claimed that the fertiliser is warming the Earth and causing the climate to break down, as the by-product nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere. In fact the entire global food supply is in danger of being trashed for the sake of what recent scientific work notes is almost unmeasurable 0.064°C warming per century. Policies to address this non-existent crisis have already done enormous harm in Sri Lanka, where a ban on nitrogen fertiliser caused a rapid collapse in food yields, and led

Details to Entire Global Food Supply at Risk From Disastrous Response to So-Called ‘Nitrogen Crisis’

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