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The So-Called ‚Nitrogen Crisis‘ Response Poses a Threat to the Entire Global Food Supply

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 8:00


A new report from the United Nations (UN) warns that the entire global food supply is at risk due to a disastrous response to the so-called „nitrogen crisis.“ The report states that the overuse of nitrogen fertilizers is causing significant environmental damage, including water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity loss. The report calls for urgent action to address the issue and warns that failure to do so could have catastrophic consequences for food security and the environment.

The Nitrogen Crisis

Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth, and nitrogen fertilizers have played a critical role in increasing agricultural productivity over the past century. However, the overuse of nitrogen fertilizers has led to significant environmental problems. When nitrogen is applied to crops, only a portion is taken up by the plants, and the rest can leach into the soil and waterways. This excess nitrogen can cause algal blooms in water bodies, which can lead to oxygen depletion and the death of aquatic life. Nitrogen also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, as it can be converted into nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas.

The UN report warns that the nitrogen crisis is not just an environmental issue but also a threat to food security. The overuse of nitrogen fertilizers can lead to soil degradation, reducing the productivity of agricultural land over time. This can have significant consequences for food production, particularly in regions where food insecurity is already a problem. The report calls for a more sustainable approach to nitrogen management, including reducing fertilizer use, improving fertilizer application techniques, and promoting the use of nitrogen-fixing crops.

Urgent Action Needed

The UN report highlights the urgent need for action to address the nitrogen crisis. The report calls for a global effort to promote sustainable nitrogen management, including the development of policies and regulations to reduce nitrogen pollution. The report also calls for increased investment in research and development to improve nitrogen management practices and promote the use of alternative fertilizers.

The nitrogen crisis is a complex issue that requires a coordinated global response. Governments, farmers, and the private sector all have a role to play in addressing the issue. The UN report provides a roadmap for action, but it will require a significant effort to implement the necessary changes. However, failure to act could have catastrophic consequences for food security and the environment, making it imperative that action is taken now to address the nitrogen crisis

Original article Teaser

Entire Global Food Supply at Risk From Disastrous Response to So-Called ‘Nitrogen Crisis’

The full horror of the ‘nitrogen’ war on agriculture is becoming more apparent every day. Food supplies around the world face collapse if the use of nitrogen fertiliser is severely restricted under Net Zero requirements. It is claimed that the fertiliser is warming the Earth and causing the climate to break down, as the by-product nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere. In fact the entire global food supply is in danger of being trashed for the sake of what recent scientific work notes is almost unmeasurable 0.064°C warming per century. Policies to address this non-existent crisis have already done enormous harm in Sri Lanka, where a ban on nitrogen fertiliser caused a rapid collapse in food yields, and led

Details to Entire Global Food Supply at Risk From Disastrous Response to So-Called ‘Nitrogen Crisis’

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