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None of the vaccines in the USA have been proven to be completely safe

Published On: 12. Mai 2023 9:30


The debate over the safety of vaccines has been ongoing for years, with some people arguing that vaccines are harmful and others insisting that they are necessary for public health. A recent article published on the website of the Children’s Health Defense organization argues that no vaccine has ever been established as „safe“ in the United States. The article makes a number of claims about the dangers of vaccines and the lack of evidence supporting their safety.

Claims Made in the Article

The article argues that vaccines are not safe because they contain a variety of harmful ingredients, including mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde. These ingredients, according to the article, can cause a range of health problems, including autism, autoimmune disorders, and neurological damage. The article cites a number of studies and reports to support these claims, but many of these sources are controversial and have been criticized by mainstream medical organizations.

The article also argues that vaccines are not effective at preventing disease. The author claims that outbreaks of diseases like measles and pertussis are caused by vaccinated individuals, not unvaccinated individuals. The article suggests that vaccines may actually weaken the immune system and make people more susceptible to disease. Again, these claims are not supported by mainstream medical organizations, which generally agree that vaccines are safe and effective.

Finally, the article argues that vaccines are not necessary for public health. The author suggests that improved sanitation and hygiene, along with natural immunity, are more effective at preventing disease than vaccines. The article cites historical examples of disease outbreaks being controlled without vaccines, but does not acknowledge the role that vaccines have played in reducing the incidence of many diseases.

Response to the Article

The claims made in the Children’s Health Defense article are not supported by mainstream medical organizations or the scientific community. The overwhelming consensus among medical experts is that vaccines are safe and effective, and that they are necessary for public health. The ingredients in vaccines, including mercury and aluminum, are present in very small amounts and have been extensively studied for safety. The overwhelming evidence suggests that vaccines do not cause autism or other serious health problems.

The idea that vaccinated individuals are responsible for disease outbreaks is also not supported by the evidence. While it is true that some vaccinated individuals can still contract and spread disease, this is a rare occurrence. The vast majority of disease outbreaks are caused by unvaccinated individuals, who are more likely to contract and spread disease. Vaccines are a critical tool for preventing disease and protecting public health.

Finally, the suggestion that improved sanitation and hygiene are more effective at preventing disease than vaccines is simply not true. While sanitation and hygiene are important for preventing the spread of disease, they are not sufficient on their own. Vaccines have played a critical role in reducing the incidence of many diseases, including smallpox, polio, and measles. Without vaccines, these diseases would still be widespread and cause significant harm to public health.

In conclusion, the claims made in the Children’s Health Defense article are not supported by the evidence. Vaccines are safe, effective, and necessary for public health. The overwhelming consensus among medical experts is that vaccines are a critical tool for preventing disease and protecting public health. It is important for individuals to educate themselves about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and to make informed decisions about their own health and the health of their communities

Original article Teaser

No vaccine, ever, has been established to be “safe” in the USA

Breaking News The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative for the past 200 years is based on an assumption that all vaccines are safe. There is no credible large-scale post-marketing study that backs up this claim for any vaccine used in the US today. It’s all based on faith in seriously flawed studies. There isn’t a credible post-marketing objective epidemiological study for any vaccine in the US. That’s right. Not a single one. Why isn’t there a study?  It’s not because it isn’t possible. In fact, every state in the US has the ability to do such a study.  It is because the states have never done the necessary studies nor will they expose data needed to allow the public to do the studies.

Details to No vaccine, ever, has been established to be “safe” in the USA

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