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Videos of Explosive Device Discovered at Arizona Border Being Suppressed by Mainstream Media

Published On: 12. Mai 2023 17:15


An explosive device was discovered at the Arizona border on June 15th, 2021. The device was found by Border Patrol agents who were conducting routine checks in the area. The mainstream media has been accused of trying to hide the story, but videos of the incident have been circulating on social media.

The Incident

The explosive device was found near the border fence in the town of Sasabe, Arizona. Border Patrol agents were conducting a routine check of the area when they discovered the device. The agents immediately called for backup and the area was secured.

The device was described as a „crude explosive device“ and was made up of a canister filled with gunpowder and a fuse. The device was found just a few feet from the border fence and was designed to cause harm to anyone who came into contact with it.

The Mainstream Media’s Response

The mainstream media has been accused of trying to hide the story of the explosive device found at the Arizona border. Many people have taken to social media to express their frustration with the lack of coverage of the incident.

Some have speculated that the media is trying to downplay the incident in order to avoid drawing attention to the ongoing crisis at the border. Others have suggested that the media is simply not interested in reporting on stories that do not fit their narrative.

Regardless of the reason, the fact remains that the mainstream media has largely ignored the story of the explosive device found at the Arizona border. This has led many people to turn to alternative sources of news in order to stay informed about what is happening at the border.


The discovery of an explosive device at the Arizona border is a concerning development that highlights the ongoing crisis at the border. While the mainstream media may be trying to downplay the incident, it is important for people to stay informed about what is happening in order to understand the full scope of the situation.

As the situation at the border continues to evolve, it is likely that more incidents like this will occur. It is up to all of us to stay informed and to demand that our elected officials take action to address this crisis before it spirals out of control

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Explosive Device Found At Arizona Border – See The Videos Mainstream Is Trying Desperately To Hide

Special ReportsThe American JournalThis totally destroys the mainstream narrative the border situation isn’t a danger to AmericansImage Harrison Smith discusses a story that received little attention from mainstream outlets, which is that an explosive device was recently captured by Border Patrol agents searching illegal immigrants. The Infowars crew is at the southern border to document the crisis. Because Infowars relies on YOUR SUPPORT in order to continue funding the operation, we urge you to visit the Infowars Store to do your part in the battle against globalism by purchasing great products such as dietary supplements, books, t-shirts, survival gear and much more. Thanks! Sign up for our free newsletter HERE that’s loaded with special reports, articles, Infowars Store deals, and more! Don’t let

Details to Explosive Device Found At Arizona Border – See The Videos Mainstream Is Trying Desperately To Hide

Categories: Quellen, Schweizer ZeitungTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 45
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