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Handel Hears the Blues of Coronation

Published On: 13. Mai 2023 10:45

to a New King

Handel’s Coronation Anthems were composed in 1727 for the coronation of King George II and Queen Caroline. The four anthems, Zadok the Priest, Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened, The King Shall Rejoice, and My Heart is Inditing, were performed during the coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey. The anthems were well-received and have since become a staple of British choral music.

Zadok the Priest is perhaps the most famous of the four anthems and is often performed at important state occasions, such as the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. The anthem begins with a fanfare of trumpets and is followed by a choir singing the words „Zadok the Priest and Nathan the Prophet anointed Solomon King.“ The music builds to a climax as the choir sings „And all the people rejoiced and said, God save the King! Long live the King! May the King live forever! Amen, Hallelujah!“

Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened is a more subdued anthem, but still contains moments of grandeur. The anthem begins with a solo voice singing „Let thy hand be strengthened and thy right hand be exalted.“ The choir then joins in, singing „Let justice and judgment be the preparation of thy seat.“ The anthem ends with a rousing „Alleluia.“

The King Shall Rejoice is a joyful anthem that celebrates the coronation of the king. The anthem begins with a fanfare of trumpets and is followed by the choir singing „The king shall rejoice in thy strength, O Lord.“ The anthem contains several sections, each with its own musical theme. The anthem ends with a triumphant „Alleluia.“

My Heart is Inditing is a more introspective anthem that focuses on the queen. The anthem begins with a solo voice singing „My heart is inditing of a good matter.“ The choir then joins in, singing „Grace is poured into thy lips.“ The anthem ends with a prayer for the queen’s long life and happiness.

In conclusion, Handel’s Coronation Anthems are a testament to the composer’s skill and the grandeur of the coronation ceremony. The anthems have become a beloved part of British choral music and are often performed at important state occasions. Zadok the Priest, Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened, The King Shall Rejoice, and My Heart is Inditing are all masterpieces in their own right and continue to inspire awe and wonder in listeners today

Original article Teaser

Coronation Blues: Handel Hearkens

George Frideric Handel memorial, Westminster Abbey. Louis Robilliac, 1762. Not only the living were listening in Westminster Abbey last Saturday. The dead heard the music too. Among the legion of once famous, wealthy, and powerful entombed there, none was bigger of girth and of glory than George Frideric Handel. All through the coronation, Handel’s statue cocked a curious ear and occasionally wagged a disapproving marble finger at the sonic goings-on. In his last years Handel was blind, but from his perch on the transept wall his stone effigy had a good view of the procession and King Charles as he slouched down the nave towards the high altar and the goal of his already long life. Did the Handelian foot

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