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Taiwan’s Problematic Situation

Published On: 13. Mai 2023 10:45


The relationship between China and Taiwan has always been a contentious one. China considers Taiwan a part of its territory, while Taiwan sees itself as an independent state. This has led to tensions between the two countries, with China often using its economic and political power to pressure Taiwan into accepting its authority. In recent years, these tensions have escalated, with China becoming increasingly aggressive in its efforts to assert its control over Taiwan.

The Current Situation

The current situation in Taiwan is a complex one. On the one hand, Taiwan is a thriving democracy with a strong economy and a vibrant culture. On the other hand, it is under constant threat from China, which has made it clear that it will use force if necessary to bring Taiwan under its control. This has led to a situation where Taiwan is constantly on edge, with its leaders and citizens aware that they could be attacked at any moment.

One of the main reasons for China’s aggression towards Taiwan is the island’s strategic importance. Taiwan sits at the entrance to the South China Sea, a region that is rich in natural resources and is a major shipping route for goods travelling between Asia and the rest of the world. China sees control of this region as vital to its economic and military interests, and it sees Taiwan as a key piece in this puzzle.

The International Response

The international community has largely been supportive of Taiwan in its struggle against China. The United States, in particular, has been a strong ally of Taiwan, providing it with military and economic support. However, other countries have been more hesitant to get involved, fearing that they could damage their own relationships with China.

Despite this, there are signs that the international community is starting to take a more active role in supporting Taiwan. In recent years, there have been calls for Taiwan to be granted observer status at the United Nations, and there have been efforts to increase economic and cultural ties between Taiwan and other countries.


The situation in Taiwan is a complex and challenging one. On the one hand, Taiwan is a thriving democracy with a strong economy and a vibrant culture. On the other hand, it is under constant threat from China, which sees it as a key piece in its efforts to control the South China Sea.

Despite these challenges, there are reasons for optimism. The international community is starting to take a more active role in supporting Taiwan, and there are signs that Taiwan’s leaders are committed to maintaining their independence and protecting their country from Chinese aggression. With continued support from the international community, there is hope that Taiwan can continue to thrive and prosper in the years to come

Original article Teaser

The Trouble With Taiwan

Taiwan is a country, but not many other states recognize it as such. Only 13 countries maintain diplomatic relations with the island nation. These are small or poor or both, like Haiti, Paraguay, and Tuvalu. Honduras switched its diplomatic allegiance from Taipei to Beijing just one month ago. Taiwan doesn’t have a seat at the United Nations, and it has been blocked from joining international bodies like the World Health Organization. It tries hard but rarely manages to function as a member of the international community. For a country with around 23 million people and the twentieth largest economy in the world, it might seem strange that Taiwan gets so little respect. But Mainland China claims the island as part

Details to The Trouble With Taiwan

Categories: Quellen, The Gateway PunditTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 26
handel-hears-the-blues-of-coronationHandel Hears the Blues of Coronation
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