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House GOP Insist on Gaffe-Prone Biden ‚Renouncing‘ 2024 Candidacy or Taking Cognitive Test

Published On: 13. Mai 2023 7:13


House Republicans are demanding that President Joe Biden renounce his 2024 bid or submit to a cognitive test. The demand comes after a series of gaffes by the president, which have raised concerns about his mental acuity. The GOP lawmakers argue that Biden’s age and mental state make him unfit to lead the country.

The Demand for a Cognitive Test

The demand for a cognitive test is not new. During the 2020 presidential campaign, then-President Donald Trump and his supporters repeatedly questioned Biden’s mental fitness. However, Biden’s victory in the election seemed to put those concerns to rest. But since taking office, Biden has made several verbal missteps, which have reignited the debate about his cognitive abilities.

The House Republicans‘ demand for a cognitive test is based on the belief that Biden’s age and mental state make him unfit to lead the country. They argue that the president’s gaffes and lapses in memory are evidence of cognitive decline. They also point to his age, 78, as a factor that makes him more susceptible to cognitive decline.

Biden’s Response

Biden has not responded directly to the House Republicans‘ demand for a cognitive test. However, he has defended his mental acuity in the past. During the 2020 campaign, he released a statement from his doctor, which declared him „a healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.“

Biden has also pushed back against the idea that his age is a liability. In an interview with ABC News, he said, „I’m in good shape. I’m in good health. I’m doing fine.“ He also pointed out that he has released his medical records, which show that he is in good health.


The debate over Biden’s mental fitness is likely to continue. While the president has defended his cognitive abilities, his gaffes and lapses in memory have raised concerns among some lawmakers and the public. The House Republicans‘ demand for a cognitive test is unlikely to be met, as the president has no legal obligation to take one. However, the demand highlights the ongoing debate about Biden’s fitness to lead the country

Original article Teaser

House GOP Demand Gaffe-Prone Biden ‘Renounce’ 2024 Bid or Submit to Cognitive Test

Rep Ronny Jackson, who previously served as the presidential physician for both Donald Trump and Barack Obama, has long expressed concern over Joe Biden’s mental acuity, citing numerous instances where he appeared confused, made verbal slip-ups, false claims, or puzzling gestures. US President Joe Biden should either consent to a cognitive test, or drop out of the 2024 race for reelection, a group of at least 61 Republicans have demanded. The House GOP are concerned regarding the 80-year-old gaffe-prone Democrat’s “current cognitive state and ability to serve another term as President. “The 46th POTUS officially indicated that was going to run in the presidential election next year in a tweet posted on April 25, portentously saying he needed to “finish the

Details to House GOP Demand Gaffe-Prone Biden ‘Renounce’ 2024 Bid or Submit to Cognitive Test

Categories: Quellen, Schweizer ZeitungTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 12
2023-list:-the-top-10-beaches-in-the-world2023 List: The Top 10 Beaches in the World
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