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Dominion Faces Gov. Abbott’s Inquiry Regarding Tucker Carlson’s Departure from Fox News

Published On: 14. Mai 2023 15:30


Texas Governor Greg Abbott has demanded answers from Dominion Voting Systems over Tucker Carlson’s exit from Fox News. The governor has asked the company to explain why it has not been more forthcoming about its role in the 2020 election. Carlson, a popular conservative commentator, has been critical of Dominion’s voting machines and their alleged role in the election.

The Controversy

The controversy surrounding Dominion Voting Systems began after the 2020 presidential election. Many Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, claimed that the company’s voting machines were used to rig the election in favor of Joe Biden. Dominion has denied these claims and has filed lawsuits against several individuals and media outlets for spreading false information about the company.

Tucker Carlson has been one of the most vocal critics of Dominion, and his show on Fox News has been a platform for many of the conspiracy theories surrounding the company. However, Carlson recently announced that he would be leaving Fox News to start his own media company. Some have speculated that his departure may be related to pressure from Dominion or other entities that he has criticized on his show.

Governor Abbott’s Demands

Governor Abbott has now entered the fray, demanding answers from Dominion about its role in the election and its alleged influence over the media. In a letter to the company, Abbott asked for a detailed explanation of its relationship with Fox News and other media outlets, as well as any financial or other incentives that may have influenced their coverage of Dominion.

Abbott also demanded that Dominion provide a full accounting of its activities during the 2020 election, including any software updates or other changes made to its voting machines. He also asked for a list of all individuals and organizations that have received funding or other support from Dominion, as well as any contracts or agreements between the company and government agencies.

In his letter, Abbott emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in the election process, and called on Dominion to provide the public with the information they need to make informed decisions about the integrity of our elections. He also warned that failure to comply with his demands could result in legal action against the company.


The controversy surrounding Dominion Voting Systems and its alleged role in the 2020 election shows no signs of abating. Governor Abbott’s demands for answers from the company are just the latest development in a long-running saga that has divided the country and raised serious questions about the integrity of our electoral system.

As the debate continues, it is important for all sides to remain focused on the facts and to avoid spreading false information or baseless conspiracy theories. Only by working together and engaging in honest, open dialogue can we hope to restore trust in our elections and ensure that every vote is counted fairly and accurately

Original article Teaser

Gov. Abbott Demands Answers From Dominion Over Tucker Carlson’s Exit From Fox News

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) blasted Dominion Voting Systems on Saturday over Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News amid reports the company’s settlement with the news network was contingent on his firing. Carlson had reportedly heard from a Fox board member that he was let go from Fox News as part of its $787.5 million lawsuit settlement with Dominion. “If the public reporting is accurate that Dominion Voting Systems demanded that Tucker Carlson be fired as part of a litigation settlement, then I am happy that Dominion does not operate in Texas, and I don’t think that they should do so in the future,” Abbott wrote, linking to the Axios report detailing Carlson’s allegation. If the public reporting is accurate

Details to Gov. Abbott Demands Answers From Dominion Over Tucker Carlson’s Exit From Fox News

Categories: Quellen, Schweizer ZeitungTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 41
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