es-ist-fuenf-nach-zwoelf-|-stimme-fuer-wissenschaft-und-solidaritaetEs ist fünf nach zwölf | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität
causa-udo-philipp-aufklaerung-unerwuenschtCausa Udo Philipp Aufklärung unerwünscht

VSS Wissenschaftliche Aktualisierungen während der Pandemiezeiten 54 | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität

Published On: 24. Mai 2023 17:09

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VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #54 | Voice for Science and Solidarity

1. US Energy Department Assesses Covid-19 Likely Resulted from Lab Leak“The latest assessment further adds to the divide in the US government over whether the Covid-19 pandemic began in China in 2019 as the result of a lab leak or whether it emerged naturally. The various intelligence agencies have been split on the matter for years. In 2021, the intelligence community declassified a report that showed four agencies in the intelligence community had assessed with low confidence that the virus likely jumped from animals to humans naturally in the wild, while one assessed with moderate confidence that the pandemic was the result of a laboratory accident.” Stroke Consultations Shoot Up by 25% Since Vaccine Rollout“The data suggest that something is

Details to VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #54 | Voice for Science and Solidarity

es-ist-fuenf-nach-zwoelf-|-stimme-fuer-wissenschaft-und-solidaritaetEs ist fünf nach zwölf | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität
causa-udo-philipp-aufklaerung-unerwuenschtCausa Udo Philipp Aufklärung unerwünscht