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Joe Biden will eine „neue wirtschaftliche Weltordnung“. Es hat noch nie so unordentlich ausgesehen

Published On: 28. Mai 2023 3:34

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Joe Biden wants a ‘new economic world order.’ It’s never looked more disordered.

POLITICO illustration/Photo by Getty Images The Biden administration has been trying to bury the free-trade era for months. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai drove a nail into its coffin in January, telling the world’s one percent at Davos that the Biden administration would try to shape a “new economic world order” around protecting workers. And National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan sought to deliver last rites in April, promising the White House would forge a “new Washington consensus” to replace the one that had governed the globe for over a generation. “I remain convinced that through all of this disruption we’re moving towards a new economic order,” Tai told POLITICO in an interview. “I’d really like to fill that gap with

Details to Joe Biden wants a ‘new economic world order.’ It’s never looked more disordered.

Categories: English, Politico, QuellenTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 27
verantwortlichkeit-benoetigt-an-deutschlands-giftigstem-standortVerantwortlichkeit benötigt an Deutschlands giftigstem Standort
supreme-court-schrumpft-dramatisch-den-umfang-des-clean-water-actSupreme Court schrumpft dramatisch den Umfang des Clean Water Act