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A great, inspiring evening with NASA astronaut Al Worden who, as pilot of Apollo

A great, inspiring evening with NASA astronaut Al Worden who, as pilot of Apollo

Published On: 1. Juni 2023 0:45

A great, inspiring evening with NASA astronaut Al Worden who, as pilot of Apollo 15, orbited the Moon 75 times. He told me laughingly that his spaceship‘s board computer had so little memory that NASA had to remove a program. They chose „Return To Earth“. He still navigated back safely. What a life!
Details zu A great, inspiring evening with NASA astronaut Al Worden who, as pilot of Apollo

Categories: Deutsch, Julian Reichelt, QuellenTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 28
ukrainische-polizei-folterte-angeblich-einwohner-von-cherson-zu-todeUkrainische Polizei folterte angeblich Einwohner von Cherson zu Tode
The next generation of ice hockey! 🏒 👏 Roman! (IG: romanjamesmarcotte)The next generation of ice hockey! 🏒 👏 Roman! (IG: romanjamesmarcotte)