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Dreist ARD Chef will noch höhere TV Zwangsgebühren

Published On: 8. Juni 2023 23:40

Nein, it is not satire. And it is also not a false report from opponents of public broadcasting who want to discredit the GEZ system with it. „We will fight for a fee increase“ – ARD chief and SWR director Kai Gniffke actually said that. In times when everyone has to tighten their belts due to economic problems, the staunchly red-green institution leader wants to dig even deeper into the pockets of Germans and foreigners in the Federal Republic. As a justification, the television bureaucrat stated that resources were needed to fulfill the ARD’s task as a public broadcaster. It would be „irresponsible if I said, ‚We’ll just fire 1,000 people,'“ Gniffke said, according to „FOL.“ And: „Program always means people who do it.“ The ARD chief referred to the payment of employees and the „price development,“ as he calls inflation – that sounds better. Even when it comes to justifying their hunger for money, the public broadcasters are still „framing“. What follows almost seems like real satire. „I know how society thinks and talks about us. That’s why I said, ‚Yes, we’ll get smaller, we’ll get more efficient, we’ll share more work,'“ Gniffke said. What? Gniffke knows the dissatisfaction with the perverted system and still wants more money from people? This can only be explained by a complete detachment in the GEZ ivory tower. Gniffke announced that he would „tap efficiency reserves“. The ARD houses are currently exploring much stronger cooperation in TV and radio programs to reduce double structures, according to the ARD chief. In the future, will there only be three correspondents from the institutions instead of half a dozen with ministers traveling abroad for a lot of money? Anyone who knows the public broadcasting system, which critics call a pension institution with an attached broadcasting operation, knows that these bureaucratic monsters cannot be tamed from within. Only a tough, externally initiated cut with the abolition of the current system and the creation of a new, lean replacement makes sense. One can only hope that as a first step, at least the federal states that have announced that they will prevent a fee increase will keep their word.

Effizienzreserven heben

Now new and only for a short time! How far Gniffke & Co. have removed themselves from the reality of people is shown by a look at the comments under the article about his demand for more money at „FOL“. A veritable shitstorm has erupted there. Here are a few excerpts: Wolfram Körner I have already written that this pigsty first has to be cleaned up. Then I would like to pay less contribution. Then the financial books and incomes should also be disclosed. Renate Steding I will not pay higher contributions and continue to support such salaries. The public broadcasters should be ashamed, it is no longer sustainable. I expect politics to finally have backbone here and stand up against it and at least decide for the citizens here. I will not pay anymore, not a cent, even if hell freezes over. Period. Armin Müller Why does this man earn around 30,000 euros a month?

Original Artikel Teaser

Dreist: ARD-Chef will noch höhere TV-Zwangsgebühren …

Nein, es ist keine Satire. Und auch keine Falschmeldung von Gegnern des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks, die das GEZ-System damit diskreditieren wollen. „Wir werden für eine Beitragserhöhung kämpfen“ – der ARD-Chef und SWR-Intendant Kai Gniffke sagte das tatsächlich. In Zeiten, in denen aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Probleme alle den Gürtel enger schnallen müssen, will der stramm rot-grüne Anstaltsleiter den Bundesbürgern und den Ausländern in der Bundesrepublik noch tiefer in die Tasche greifen. Als Begründung führte der Fernseh-Apparatschik an, es brauche Ressourcen, um der Aufgabe der ARD als öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk nachzukommen. Es wäre „unverantwortlich, wenn ich sage: ‚Wir schmeißen einfach mal 1000 Leute raus‘“, so Gniffke laut „FOL“. Und: „Programm bedeutet immer Menschen, die das machen.“ Der ARD-Chef verwies auf die Bezahlung der Mitarbeiter

Details zu Dreist: ARD-Chef will noch höhere TV-Zwangsgebühren …

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wasser-stausee-und-die-kuehlung-des-kkw-saporischschjaWasser Stausee und die Kühlung des KKW Saporischschja
mit-turban-auf-dem-kopf-und-messer-syrer-sticht-auf-kinder-einMit Turban auf dem Kopf und Messer Syrer sticht auf Kinder ein