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Umfrage Ein Drittel der jungen Maenner schlug schon mal eine Frau

Published On: 11. Juni 2023 19:44

Jeder dritte junge Mann in Deutschland findet Gewalt gegenüber Frauen akzeptabel“ – headlines like these are currently circulating in German media. The articles then go on to state, as in the „Welt“: „One third of young men between the ages of 18 and 35 in Germany not only find it justifiable for them to ‚lose control‘ in an argument with their partner. 34 percent have already become physically violent towards women.“ They wanted to instill respect in women with this behavior. In addition, there is a high aversion to the public display of homosexuality among young men: „48 percent said they feel ‚disturbed‘ by it.“ The figures come from an allegedly nationally representative study by the organization „Plan International Deutschland,“ the German branch of an internationally active organization for development work and humanitarian aid, which is mainly known for its „child sponsorships.“ When reading the results, one gets the impression that we have the mentality of a tribal society among young men. And the question arises: Who was surveyed? In how many cases is the misogynistic attitude imported? This is how „Plan“ presents its study.

And now hold on tight: Neither in the articles I have read about the survey, nor in the 27-page study by „Plan International Deutschland“ itself (which can be found here) is the word „immigration“ or „migration“ or „migrants“ mentioned. However, the question of a migration background is almost obvious when a disturbingly large number of young men express views that are exactly in line with the attitude towards women in many of the countries from which mainly young men immigrate to Germany. This becomes even clearer with other results. According to the study, as reported by the „Funke“ newspapers, which were the first to report on it, the image of the traditional „housewife“ seems to be anchored in the minds of many men: 52 percent see their role as earning enough money so that the woman can mainly take care of the household. According to the „Welt,“ every second young man does not want to enter into a relationship with a woman who has had many sexual partners.

H2: Who was surveyed?

The question of who was surveyed is crucial in this study. The fact that the study does not mention anything about immigration or migration is striking, especially since the attitudes expressed by the young men surveyed are similar to those in many countries from which young men immigrate to Germany. It is important to know whether these attitudes are imported or not, and whether they are a result of the socialization of young men in Germany.

H2: The problem of cognitive dissonance

The study and the reporting on it are a case of massive denial and looking away – unfortunately, this is very typical of the political-media complex. But it is also understandable: to admit that one’s own migration policy is fueling exactly what one is otherwise fighting against – let’s call it diplomatically „very old role models,“ or more clearly, misogyny and homophobia – would be too painful. This cognitive dissonance is probably unbearable for the left-green camp, and it is almost tragicomic that they are simultaneously puzzling over the growth of the AfD – one really has to look away and suppress to not recognize the connections here.

H2: The need for clarity

The study and its interpretation need to be more transparent. It is important to know the details of the survey and to understand the attitudes of the young men surveyed. The issue of immigration and migration must also be addressed, as it is a crucial factor in understanding the attitudes of young men in Germany.

Especially in times of increasing polarization, it is important to have a clear and honest discussion about these issues, without fear of being labeled as politically incorrect or racist. Only then can we find solutions to the problems we face as a society

Original Artikel Teaser

Umfrage: Ein Drittel der jungen Männer schlug schon mal eine Frau

„Jeder dritte junge Mann in Deutschland findet Gewalt gegenüber Frauen akzeptabel“ – Überschriften wie diese geistern heute durch die deutschen Medien. Weiter heißt es dann in den Texten, wie etwa hier in der „Welt“: „Ein Drittel der jungen Männer zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren in Deutschland findet es nicht nur vertretbar, dass ihnen im Streit mit der Partnerin ‘die Hand ausrutscht‘. 34 Prozent sind bereits Frauen gegenüber handgreiflich geworden.“ Sie wollten den Frauen damit Respekt einflössen. Zudem gebe es eine hohe Abneigung gegen das öffentliche Zeigen von Homosexualität bei den jungen Männern: „48 Prozent gaben an, dass sie sich davon ‘gestört‘ fühlen.“ Die Zahlen gehen auf eine angeblich bundesweit repräsentative Studie der Organisation „Plan International Deutschland“ hervor, der deutschen Filiale

Details zu Umfrage: Ein Drittel der jungen Männer schlug schon mal eine Frau

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