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Das Spiel ist vorbei: erste Auflösungserscheinungen bei Fridays for Future

Published On: 7. Juli 2023 18:55

Von Daniel Weinmann „We are hoarse, but we won’t be quieter.“ That was the mantra of Fridays for Future. Now, at least in Bremen, the headquarters of the climate strike movement, it is becoming completely silent around the protesters. „We are dissolving!“ is emblazoned on the website of the climate group Fridays for Future Bremen. However, the reasoning calls into question the entire movement: „Fridays for Future Germany is structurally racist. In the wake of the huge racism problem, BIPoC (Black and People of Color) for Future and members have experienced racist bullying, insults, abuse of power, and much more traumatic experiences, which has led many BIPoC to leave these structures because they are neither safe nor apparently supposed to be safe. Reconciliation, apologies? None. Instead, everything was swept under the rug and the perpetrators were protected.“ The accusations of anti-Semitism against the Bremen organizing team of Fridays for Future are also addressed. They allowed the (allegedly anti-Semitic, ed.) group „Palestine Speaks“ to speak at the Bremen climate demonstration on September 23 of last year. As a result, the local group was „defamed by the media“ and Fridays for Future Germany positioned itself against the Bremen activists. Frontwoman Luisa Neubauer questions democracy To emphasize their dissolution, the Bremen activists also announce their decision in English. Who would have thought that the pioneers of the climate protest would be called Nazis – an insult that, since the beginning of the „pandemic“, has so far only been used against critics of the measures. If the motto „equal rights for all“ applied in this country, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution would have long ago applied the same criteria as with the so-called „Querdenker“ movement – and monitored Fridays for Future. Their leading figure, Luisa Neubauer, for example, questions democracy if it does not advance climate protection quickly enough. One cannot delegitimize the state and its constitutional foundations more clearly. But the Office for the Protection of the Constitution remains silent. „This movement is at its end for us“ Now, even without its intervention, there is a chance that Fridays for Future will self-destruct. The criticism of the Bremen group also targets the strategic orientation of the climate activists. It was missed to „direct the wave of support and media attention in 2019 into concrete projects, actions, and demands“. Many would have preferred to simply stick to the minimum demand of the 1.5-degree target „without clearly stating which measures would be necessary to achieve it“. Frontwoman Luisa Neubauer is unlikely to feel flattered. But that’s not all: the German section has repeatedly ignored „international guidelines“ from Fridays for Future. The many conflicts and problems within the movement have led to them isolating themselves from the masses. All attempts to change Fridays for Future or reform the movement have failed, it continues. The result is that the movement is „probably weaker today than at any other time since its inception“. It remains to be hoped that the prediction of the declining Bremen branch of the eco-activists will come true sooner rather than later: „For all these reasons, we no longer see a future for Fridays for Future. This movement is at its end for us.“ My site needs your support If you want to continue reading articles like this, please help! Support critical, independent journalism that does not receive GEZ fees or taxpayer money and does not have a billionaire as a sponsor. And therefore is only accountable to you – the readers! Thank you so much!!! Currently, (again) contributions via credit card, Apple Pay, etc. are possible – despite the Paypal block: via this link. Alternatively, via bank transfer, IBAN: DE30 6805 1207 0000 3701 71. I expressly ask those who have little to keep what they have. I am all the more pleased with support from everyone who is not hurt by it. My current video Lanz deciphered: ZDF man wants to expose Aiwanger – but he demolishes him, Lanz stands naked. Watch my video here that you are not supposed to see – it was immediately deleted on Youtube due to a copyright complaint from ZDF. Apparently, the broadcaster now wants to ban criticism of copyright law, as former ARD chief fact-checker Gensing did: Image: Shutterstock Articles marked with a name always reflect the author’s opinion, not mine. I appreciate my readers as adult individuals and want to offer them different perspectives so that they can form their own opinion. Daniel Weinmann worked for many years as an editor at one of the most well-known German media outlets. He writes here under a pseudonym. Image: Shutterstock more by Daniel Weinmann on Migration crisis at its limit: Refugees to move into private apartments While uncontrolled immigration is now completely out of control and even the Greens have raised the white flag, private apartments and hotels are now supposed to serve as additional refuges. By Daniel Weinmann. Property tax chaos at the expense of taxpayers Over three million German citizens have filed objections to their property tax assessments. To process them, the tax offices are pulling auditors off one after the other. As a result, the cash-strapped state is missing out on one million euros per auditor. By Daniel Weinmann. Excessive corona measures: Tour de France becomes a farce No autographs, mask requirements, and curfews. This year, participants in the world’s most famous cycling race have to accept enormous restrictions – „for the sake of health“. By Daniel Weinmann

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Das Spiel ist aus: erste Auflösungserscheinungen bei Fridays for Future

Von Daniel Weinmann „Wir sind heiser, trotzdem werden wir nicht leiser.“ So lautete das Mantra von Fridays for Future. Nun wird es – zumindest bei den Bremer Statthaltern der Klimastreik-Bewegung – mucksmäuschenstill um die Protestler werden. „Wir lösen uns auf!“ prangt nämlich auf der Website der Klimagruppe Fridays for Future Bremen. Die Begründung zieht indes die gesamte Bewegung in Zweifel: „Fridays for Future Deutschland ist strukturell rassistisch. Im Zuge des riesigen Rassismus-Problems haben BIPoC (Black and People of Color) for Future und Mitglieder rassistisches Mobbing, Beleidigungen, Machtmissbrauch und viel weiteres Traumatisches erlebt, was dazu führte, dass viele BIPoC diese Strukturen verließen, weil sie weder sicher sind, noch scheinbar sicher sein sollen. Aufarbeitungen, Entschuldigungen? Fehlanzeige. Stattdessen wurde alles unter den Teppich

Details zu Das Spiel ist aus: erste Auflösungserscheinungen bei Fridays for Future

nur-bewahrungsstrafe-fur-arzt,-der-51-patienten-ansteckteNur Bewahrungsstrafe fur Arzt, der 51 Patienten ansteckte
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