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Wir waren frei unter den Russen“ | Von Rainer Rupp

Published On: 28. Juli 2023 11:56

Ein Kommentar von Rainer Rupp. „When fascism returns, it will not say: I am fascism. No, it will say: I am anti-fascism.“ This quote comes from Ignazio Silone when he returned to his homeland at the end of 1944 after many years in Swiss exile. He had sought refuge in neutral Switzerland from Mussolini’s fascism and the German Nazis. Signor Silone must have had prophetic abilities. Because anyone who follows the anti-fascists in the established parties of the Bundestag today, especially the allegedly left-wing Greens, the alleged workers‘ party SPD, and the party „Die Linke“, will ultimately find themselves on the side of those who have already supported the blood-stained Nazis in Ukraine and their fascist helpers in the Baltic dwarf states with weapons and financial aid amounting to billions of euros and want to continue supporting them as long as they kill Russians. In fact, it seems that German financial and political elites are seeking revenge against Russia because of the catastrophic defeat inflicted on them by the Soviet army in World War II. This militantly anti-Russian attitude of the German political, financial, and media elites has become evident, especially since the beginning of the Russian Military Special Operation (SMO) in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, even for politically less gifted individuals. Already in 2014, with active German support for the Ukro-Nazis during the US-orchestrated bloody Maidan coup against the democratically elected president of Ukraine, the old Russian hatred of German revanchists had resurfaced. The influence of fascism in Ukraine on all areas of social life and state institutions has become stronger in the years since 2014. After the temporary elimination of the last opposition forces in the parliament in Kiev and in other state institutions, Selensky’s Nazi regime can now rule in a totalitarian manner. The Ukrainian secret services, which were built on the model of the German Gestapo, have succeeded in enforcing unquestioned obedience with fear and terror in all areas of life. If necessary, people must also be „made to disappear,“ said General Budanov, the head of the military intelligence service of Ukraine, a few months ago in an interview with Western media, without any outcry from the Western press, although they otherwise present themselves as defenders of human rights on every occasion. Elsewhere, Budanov said, „Scum will eventually be punished in every country in the world. Only elimination can be a well-deserved punishment for such acts. I think of nothing else. This is my personal opinion, I stick to it, and I will implement it,“ quoted the Berliner Zeitung (1) Budanov on May 19, 2023, referring to an interview in Ukrainian with the Ukrainian YouTube channel Rizni Lyudi (2). 1.2 million people have seen the video, and most of the over 2700 comments in Ukrainian express enthusiastic approval of Budanov’s words. No one knows how many opponents of the Ukro-Nazis in Ukraine and abroad have already been eliminated in Budanov’s way. Despite all these increasingly obvious connections, politics and the media in Germany continue to vehemently deny that fascists are in charge in Ukraine. The same people who support the Ukro-Nazis in Ukraine politically and in the media tirelessly defame the voters of the national-conservative party AfD as „right-wing extremists“ or even as „fascists“ simply because they do not participate in the hate and propaganda policy of the collective West against Russia and everything Russian and instead demand „peace with Russia“. The latter is likely one of the reasons for the rapidly growing popularity of the AfD. However, the „memory loss“ in the collective West regarding how to recognize real Nazis is not only symptomatic of Germany but also of the US/NATO as a whole. The simple American duck test, which has now become world-famous, can also be applied to the Nazis. The duck test goes like this: „If something quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it is a duck!“ Analogous to Ukro-Nazis: „If armed people publicly walk around with Nazi symbols, greet each other with ‚Heil Hitler,‘ represent the ‚Blood and Soil‘ Nazi ideology, and quote from Goebbels‘ works, and consider every fellow citizen who is not purely Ukrainian and has, for example, Russian or Hungarian ancestors as mortal enemies who must be expelled or destroyed, then they are Nazis.“ And anyone who supports these Nazis, as large parts of the German elites do, is a friend of the Nazis and is complicit in their crimes against humanity. The collective West’s Nazi memory loss applies not only to the Ukro-Nazis but also to the Baltic states, which have completely disappeared from the Western media and politics. For example, at the NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, mention of the Holocaust victims was carefully avoided out of consideration for the ruling elites there. During World War II, numerous Lithuanian Nazis had volunteered as helpers for the German SS in the mass murder of Jews, Lithuan

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“Unter den Russen waren wir frei” | Von Rainer Rupp

Ein Kommentar von Rainer Rupp. „Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er nicht sagen: Ich bin der Faschismus. Nein, er wird sagen: Ich bin der Antifaschismus.“ Dieses Zitat stammt von Ignazio Silone, als er Ende 1944 nach langen Jahren im Schweizer Exil in seine Heimat zurückkehrte. In die neutrale Schweiz hatte er sich vor dem Mussolini-Faschismus und vor den deutschen Nazis gerettet. Signor Silone muss seherische Fähigkeiten gehabt haben. Denn wer heute z.B. den Anti-Faschisten in den etablierten Parteien des Bundestags folgt, insbesondere den angeblich linken Grünen, der angeblichen Arbeiterpartei SPD und der Partei „Die Linke“, der findet sich am Ende auf der Seite jener wieder, die die blutbesudelten Nazis in der Ukraine und deren faschistische Helfer in den baltischen Giftzwergstaaten

Details zu “Unter den Russen waren wir frei” | Von Rainer Rupp

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