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Der höchste Klimaschützer der Vereinten Nationen gibt eine Warnung vor einem „Schockzustand“ heraus

Published On: 1. August 2023 11:24

Jim Skea, the top climate protector of the United Nations, called for a balanced approach in the climate debate. People should not be in a state of shock when global temperatures rise. Temperature increase is not an existential threat. Skea, a native of Scotland, is the new head of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) at the United Nations. In an interview with the German Press Agency (dpa), he said something unusual: It is not helpful to assume that a temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius poses an existential threat to humanity. We should not despair and go into a state of shock when global temperatures rise by this amount. If we constantly convey the message that we are doomed to extinction, Skea said, it paralyzes people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to address climate change. The world will not end if warming exceeds 1.5 degrees.

ORF with „Fake News“ about forest fires. This clearly sets the top climate protector of the United Nations apart from the general climate hysteria. The climate activists of the supposed „Last Generation“ and – especially – the ORF should listen to his message. As reported, the public broadcaster delivered up-to-date false reports about the forest fires in Greece, claiming that the wood ignited itself due to the heat. Even weather expert Jörg Kachelmann made fun of this panic on Twitter. EU MEP Roman Haider (FPÖ) provided the explanation why this is not possible. Fires caused by „human hand“. Meanwhile, Vassilis Kikilias, the Greek Minister for Climate Crisis and Disaster Management, admitted to the British newspaper The Guardian that the total of 667 fires were caused by „human hand“. Specifically, through gross negligence or intent. It is suspected that this may be related to real estate speculation, possibly to make room for wind parks. Kikilias said that in certain places, fires broke out at multiple locations in close proximity at the same time, which suggests the involvement of arsonists who aimed to spread the fires further

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Oberster Klimaschützer der Vereinten Nationen warnt vor “Schockzustand”

Jim Skea, oberster Klimaschützer der Vereinten Nationen, forderte einen ausgewogenen Ansatz in der Klimadebatte. Die Menschen sollten nicht in Schockzustand geraten, wenn die globalen Temperaturen steigen. Temperaturanstieg keine existenzielle Bedrohung Skea, ein gebürtiger Schotte, ist neuer Leiter der IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) bei den Vereinten Nationen. In einem Gespräch mit der Deutschen Presseagentur (dpa) sagte er ungewöhnliches, etwa: Es ist nicht hilfreich zu unterstellen, dass ein Temperaturanstieg von 1,5 Grad Celsius eine existenzielle Bedrohung für die Menschheit darstellt. Wir sollten nicht verzweifeln und in einen Schockzustand geraten, wenn die globalen Temperaturen um diesen Wert ansteigen. Wenn man nämlich ständig die Botschaft vermitteln würde, dass wir zum Aussterben verurteilt seien, so Skea, dann lähme das die Menschen und hindere

Details zu Oberster Klimaschützer der Vereinten Nationen warnt vor “Schockzustand”

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