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Nord Stream: Geister-Taucher widerlegen Falschmeldung

Published On: 1. August 2023 11:27

Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh has proven with his sensational research (for the first time in German in: „Nord Stream Krimi“) how the US government blew up the pipelines. The distraction story concocted by the CIA and BND with the sailing yacht „Andromeda“ is flimsy – and has now received another blow. In his Nord Stream research, printed in German for the first time, Hersh also extensively addresses the distraction story surrounding the sailing yacht „Andromeda“. He writes: „The American intelligence agency Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) regularly carries out covert operations around the world, and each one requires a cover story in case something goes wrong, which often happens. Equally important is to have an explanation when things go well, as they did last fall in the Baltic Sea. A few weeks after my report that Joe Biden had ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, the CIA produced a headline story and found willing buyers in the New York Times and two major German media outlets. With the invention of a story about deep-sea divers and a crew that did not exist, the CIA followed the protocol, and the story would have been part of the first days of secret planning to destroy the pipelines. The essential element was a mythical yacht with the ironic name „Andromeda“ – named after the beautiful daughter of a mythical king who was chained naked to a rock. The cover story was shared with the BND, the German Federal Intelligence Service, and they supported it.“

The missing diver The „Andromeda“ story is as holey as Swiss cheese, Hersh proves. Only two facts: the fake passports of the crew members that were allegedly found; and the required amount of explosives of over 500 kilos, which would not have fit on the yacht… Let’s stick with the seven crew members. The names were not disclosed, they were supposed to be Ukrainians. The Swedish newspaper „Expressen“ published a photo of one of them and noticed something strange: there is no digital fingerprint of this person on the internet between 2017 and the time of the pipeline explosion. A phantom! But suddenly, his profile appears on a Russian-language Stay-Friends site that went online about a month after the attacks. The British portal „Grayzone“ continued its research: almost all of the profiles on this dating site were only visited once, namely when they were created… It is obviously a ghost account, and the „Andromeda“ diver posing there is a ghost person – invented to support an identity and a story. As Hersh writes correctly: the „invention of a story about deep-sea divers and a crew that did not exist“. Seymour Hersh’s revelation „Nord Stream Krimi. Wie die US-Regierung die Pipelines sprengen ließ“ is available here for the first time in German

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Nord Stream: Geister-Taucher widerlegt Lügenstory

Pulitzer-Preisträger Seymour Hersh hat mit seinen sensationellen Recherchen (deutsch erstmals in: „Nord Stream Krimi“) nachgewiesen, wie die US-Regierung die Pipelines sprengen ließ. Die von CIA und BND zusammengebastelte Ablenkungsstory mit der Segeljacht „Andromeda“ ist fadenscheinig – und hat nun einen erneuten Schlag erhalten. In seinen erstmals auf Deutsch gedruckten Nord-Stream-Recherchen nimmt Hersh auch ausführlich zu der Ablenkungsstory rund um die Segeljacht „Andromeda“ Stellung. Er schreibt: „Der amerikanische Geheimdienst Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) unternimmt regelmäßig verdeckte Operationen auf der ganzen Welt, und jede benötigt eine Tarngeschichte, falls etwas schiefläuft, was häufig geschieht. Ebenso wichtig ist es, eine Erklärung zu haben, wenn die Dinge gut laufen, wie im vergangenen Herbst in der Ostsee. Wenige Wochen nach meinem Bericht, dass Joe Biden die

Details zu Nord Stream: Geister-Taucher widerlegt Lügenstory

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der-hoechste-klimaschuetzer-der-vereinten-nationen-gibt-eine-warnung-vor-einem-„schockzustand“-herausDer höchste Klimaschützer der Vereinten Nationen gibt eine Warnung vor einem "Schockzustand" heraus
die-vorschriften-des-fechtsports-und-die-„regelbasierte-globale-ordnungDie Vorschriften des Fechtsports und die "regelbasierte globale Ordnung