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aengste-um-das-bestehen-in-der-gastronomie:-besorgnis-ueber-das-ende-des-reduzierten-mehrwertsteuersatzesÄngste um das Bestehen in der Gastronomie: Besorgnis über das Ende des reduzierten Mehrwertsteuersatzes

Erneut: Offene Bedrohung gegen AfD-Kandidat – und Polizei bleibt stumm

Published On: 16. August 2023 2:44

Von Kai Rebmann

Politicians live dangerously in the „best Germany that has ever existed“. The irony of history: This assessment of the current state of the Federal Republic is almost three years old and comes from Frank-Walter Steinmeier. It is precisely this man who, just last week, criminalized the AfD and its voters in the guise of the Federal President. And as the saying goes: Actions speak louder than words! This happened over the weekend in Augsburg. Andreas Jurca, chairman of the AfD faction in the city council and candidate of his party for the upcoming state election, is said to have been beaten to a pulp by at least two unknown perpetrators on Saturday night. Reports in the media about this unbelievable act? Press releases from the police? None – at least until Monday afternoon. It was only when the attack could no longer be concealed that the mainstream media began to touch on the topic with journalistic tongs, that is, to report on it in small print or behind a paywall. The police also took a whopping 50 hours to immortalize the attack in a press release – unthinkable in other contexts. Unquotable threats The fact that the „divider of Bellevue“ is doing a thorough job with his disguised hate speeches is once again evident in an open threat against Falk Janke. The AfD politician is running for mayor in Seelow (Brandenburg) on August 27, 2023. The district town of Märkisch-Oderland is looking for a new town hall chief after the previous incumbent died in April, according to a statement from the city at the time. My reading tip A video is currently going viral on the YouTube channel „Seelow-TV“. According to the title, it is about a „Planned attack on the AfD mayoral candidate“. It includes open threats against Falk Janke, which are said to come „from the environment of the opposing candidate“. As a preliminary note: It is not possible to determine with conclusive certainty whether the anonymous threat is authentic based on the material shown. However, it is a fact that Janke perceives himself to be in a threatening situation based on his subjective perception. It can also be assumed that the events in Augsburg have only reinforced this feeling. Information only for the ‚right‘ media? Not least against this background, reitschuster.de turned to the police in Seelow. One would think that there has been a certain sensitization to threats against AfD politicians, at least since this weekend. However, this does not seem to be the case for the police in Seelow, where, among other things, the following two questions remained unanswered until the deadline (Monday, 6 p.m.): 1. Are you aware of this threat against candidate Falk Janke? 2. If so, what measures have been or will be taken by you? Were or are there any investigations in this case? Have or will further measures be considered, such as police protection for Mr. Janke? Apparently, even references to the press law right to information enshrined in the Basic Law (Article 5) no longer bother the authorities. This is an experience that Boris Reitschuster recently had to make with the public prosecutor’s office in Hamburg. Apparently, information is now only given to the „right“ media in the „best Germany of all time“ – or when it comes to the „right“ facts. And the media are once again making their contribution. Apart from the local newspaper „MOZ“, which also reported behind a paywall, the threats against the AfD candidate seem to have largely passed by the German editorial offices. However, the devastating message that such a culture of silence sends is different: potential perpetrators may feel encouraged to continue or start their actions. It’s up to you – your support matters! Thank you very much! My deciphering video about Markus Lanz’s methods was blocked three times by ZDF on YouTube. The shot backfired. I uploaded it to Rumble on the free internet. It has been viewed a whopping 6.5 million times. Apparently, the algorithms don’t slow down „critical“ content like they do on YouTube. A reader calculated that more viewers saw my critical analysis of the show than the show itself. My deciphering video about the ZDF’s smear piece on Hans-Georg Maaßen was also clicked 6.2 million times on Rumble. That gives me courage! But it also takes a lot of time and energy – in this case, a night shift. That’s why I am grateful for your support. Without it, my work would not be possible, because I don’t receive compulsory fees or millions in taxes, and I don’t have a billionaire sponsor. That’s why I’m independent! Currently, donations via credit card, Apple Pay, etc. are possible again – despite the PayPal block: via this link. Alternatively, via bank transfer, IBAN: DE30 6805 1207 0000 3701 71. I expressly ask those who have little to keep what they have. I am all the more grateful for support from those for whom it does not hurt. My current video Hate and agitation from Bellevue Palace: Steinmeier reveals his hostility to democracy at the constitutional ceremony Articles marked with a name always reflect the author’s opinion, not mine. I value my readers as adult individuals and want to offer them different perspectives so that they can form their own opinion. Kai Rebmann is a publicist and publisher. He runs a publishing house and operates his own blog. Image: Shutterstock More from Kai Rebmann on reitschuster.de Mohrenfest

Original Artikel Teaser

Schon wieder: Offene Drohung gegen AfD-Kandidat – und Polizei schweigt eisern

Von Kai Rebmann Politiker leben gefährlich im „besten Deutschland, das es jemals gegeben hat“. Ironie der Geschichte: Diese Einschätzung zum Ist-Zustand der Bundesrepublik ist knapp drei Jahre alt und stammt von Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Ausgerechnet dem Mann also, der erst vergangene Woche im Gewand des Bundespräsidenten die AfD und ihre Wähler kriminalisiert hat. Und wie es doch so schön heißt: Auf Worte folgen Taten! So geschehen an diesem Wochenende in Augsburg. Andreas Jurca, Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Stadtrat und Kandidat seiner Partei für die anstehende Landtagswahl, soll in der Nacht auf Samstag von mindestens zwei unbekannten Tätern krankenhausreif geprügelt worden sein. Berichte in den Medien über diese unfassbare Tat? Pressemitteilungen der Polizei? Fehlanzeige – zumindest bis Montagmittag. Erst als sich der

Details zu Schon wieder: Offene Drohung gegen AfD-Kandidat – und Polizei schweigt eisern

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aengste-um-das-bestehen-in-der-gastronomie:-besorgnis-ueber-das-ende-des-reduzierten-mehrwertsteuersatzesÄngste um das Bestehen in der Gastronomie: Besorgnis über das Ende des reduzierten Mehrwertsteuersatzes