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Kickl in the Oe24 summer interview: „The ÖVP are the Chinese of politics“ – Rewritten in German: Kickl im Sommerinterview mit Oe24: „Die ÖVP ist das China der Politik

Published On: 31. August 2023 10:37

Isabelle Daniel and Niki Fellner interviewed Herbert Kickl in the Oe24 summer interview yesterday, Wednesday. „Wherever something is liked, it is cheaply imitated,“ said FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl yesterday, Wednesday, in the Oe24 summer interview, referring to the ÖVP, which he called the „Chinese of politics“. Kickl was asked how he sees the government’s rent control. He replied that the Freedom Party had already set this stake months ago, „which has now landed in the program of the People’s Party“. ÖVP Chancellor Karl Nehammer wants to stop inflation adjustment for rents in 2024 and only allow a rent increase of up to five percent. In yesterday’s session of the National Council, Kickl made Nehammer the offer to introduce rent control immediately and not only in 2024, with a cap of two percent instead of five percent. ÖVP pretends to be closer to the FPÖ than the Greens Why the ÖVP suddenly tries to copy the FPÖ again (in addition to rent control, also the rescue of cash) is obvious. Surveys are said to be on the Chancellor’s desk that give the FPÖ a few percentage points more than the official numbers. After three years of ruinous rule politics – climate hysteria, Russia sanctions, gender madness, Covid billion-dollar grave – the ÖVP suddenly pretends to be closer to the FPÖ than the Greens. Nehammer rules out coalition with Kickl 100 percent Chancellor Nehammer takes up Kickl’s ideas, but rules out a coalition with the FPÖ leader „100 percent“. Kickl was asked about his opinion on this by Oe24 journalists Niki Fellner and Isabelle Daniel. His answer: I can refer to something that everyone in Austria knows by now: When the ÖVP says something, the opposite always applies. If a Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the ÖVP government members say that there will be no compulsory vaccination in Austria, then there is compulsory vaccination. If a Karl Nehammer, a Karoline Edtstadler, an Alexander Schallenberg say that if Chancellor Kurz resigns, then they are also no longer in the government: Now they are still there. Kickl: „I am a security guarantee“ Many viewers at home would know several such examples where the opposite of what the Austrian People’s Party says applies. In this specific case, it would mean that he, Kickl, is not a „security risk“ as Chancellor Nehammer claims, but a „security guarantee“. Why is everything being done by the ÖVP to prevent the current FPÖ leader? The elites seem to have realized that Kickl will refuse to integrate into the apparatus. Kickl has to go, other forces should take over the FPÖ, and then – this could be the ÖVP’s plan – there could be an FPÖ-ÖVP government. Therefore, it is clear what domestic politics (and its obedient media) will play in the near future: everyone against scapegoat Kickl

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Kickl im Oe24-Sommergspräch: „Die ÖVP sind die Chinesen der Politik“

Isabelle Daniel und Niki Fellner stellten Herbert Kickl im Oe24-Sommergespräch gestern, Mittwoch, die Fragen. „Wo irgendwo etwas gefällt, wird es billig nachgemacht“, sagte FPÖ-Chef Herbert Kickl gestern, Mittwoch, im Oe24-Sommergespräch und meinte damit die ÖVP, die er als „Chinesen der Politik“ bezeichnete. Mietpreisbremse im Programm der ÖVP gelandet Gefragt wurde Kickl, wie er die Mietpreis-Bremse der Regierung sehe. Er antwortete, dass die Freiheitlichen schon vor Monaten genau diesen Pflock eingeschlagen hätten, „der jetzt im Programm der Volkspartei gelandet ist“. ÖVP-Kanzler Karl Nehammer will ja die Inflationsanpassung bei den Mieten 2024 stoppen und nur noch eine Mieten-Erhöhung bis fünf Prozent ermöglichen. In der Nationalratssitzung gestern, Mittwoch, machte Kickl Nehammer das Angebot, die Mietpreis-Bremse sofort und nicht erst 2024 einzuführen, und zwar

Details zu Kickl im Oe24-Sommergspräch: „Die ÖVP sind die Chinesen der Politik“

Categories: Corona, Deutsch, Medien, Politik, Quellen, Ukraine, Umwelt, unzensuriertTags: , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 18
blocher:-hypocrisy-without-limits-regarding-„uncontrolled-immigrationBlocher: Hypocrisy without limits regarding "uncontrolled immigration
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