brutale-jugendbande,-die-schutzgeld-erpressung-mit-molotow-cocktails-beging,-wurde-identifiziertBrutale Jugendbande, die Schutzgeld-Erpressung mit Molotow-Cocktails beging, wurde identifiziert
jake-sullivan-verteidigt-seine-behauptung,-dass-der-nahostkonflikt-„ruhig“-war,-tage-vor-dem-hamas-terrorangriffJake Sullivan verteidigt seine Behauptung, dass der Nahostkonflikt "ruhig" war, Tage vor dem Hamas-Terrorangriff

Deutsche Stahl-Ikone ruft dazu auf: „Haltet die Kämpfer der Klima-Apokalypse auf!

Published On: 16. Oktober 2023 16:34

Es ist ein dringender Weckruf! Jürgen Großmann (71), einer der bekanntesten deutschen Stahlbosse, kritisiert unerbittlich die Anti-Deutschland-Ampel, den Klimawahn und den Geist der sogenannten „Woke“-Kultur. Er warnt davor, dass der Wille zur Leistung und das Fachwissen verloren gehen, seit Amateure mit der wirtschaftlichen Kompetenz von Schulabbrechern die Rahmenbedingungen der Wirtschaftspolitik bestimmen. Der erfolgreiche ehemalige Manager fordert: „Stoppt die Ritter der Klima-Apokalypse!“

„Out of touch? Three generations against the spirit of the times“ – the new release with a foreword by the great German entertainer Harald Schmidt is the book of the year! In it, German steel legend Jürgen Großmann (71) criticizes the failures of the traffic light coalition like no other manager before him. The successful restructurer of the bankrupt Osnabrück steelworks Georgsmarienhütte (now with 7,000 employees) and former CEO of RWE says what many business leaders in this country think but are afraid to say out loud due to the left-green „wokeness“ terror: Germany is becoming a shrinking nation! Looking back at the golden years, Großmann recalls the reconstruction after World War II and the economic miracle of the 1960s: „The generation of our fathers (and to a lesser extent mine as well) rebuilt our country after the war and led it to the top of the world: With ‚Made in Germany‘ we became the world’s leading exporter. German steel, German technology, the German chemical industry, and mechanical engineering laid the foundation for our prosperity. But now Germany is heading towards deindustrialization.“

„Self-proclaimed saviors of the world are leading us to ruin,“ warns the former steel manager, who was also CEO of the energy giant RWE for many years. He points to hard numbers: Until 2008, the share of industry in the German economy was still around 25 percent, but now it has dropped to about 20 percent. As a result, more and more medium-sized companies are on the verge of collapse as suppliers and service providers. „Green“ ideologues instead of markets determine the course. The German steel legend concludes: „For decades, German companies followed the laws of free and social market economy: Sensible decisions were based on the development of wages and interest rates, the availability of labor and raw materials, technological progress and innovation, and increased productivity. And in case of doubt, a consensus of all parties involved was sought that did not restrict our competitiveness.“ This is now a thing of the past, says Großmann, and laments: „The new decisive signals are no longer set by the markets, but by ideologues – above all by radical ‚Greens‘ in the traffic light coalition. The new standards are no longer commercially calculable or qualitatively measurable. They are vague, ‚woke‘ feel-good terms: diversity, sustainability, fairness, anti-discrimination, climate justice, or transparency. Does any of this actually increase productivity and competitiveness – and thus secure our prosperity?“ asks the former manager.

The book (co-authored with two authors from different generations) is also a hard-hitting critique of the „woke“ craze – for example, the example of gender and migration quotas. Competence and skills no longer determine who gets a job, but rather the „right“ gender and the „correct“ origin. Großmann says: „Anyone who does not comply with this as an entrepreneur is called a misogynist, racist, or even a ‚performance fetishist‘ and is boycotted. No wonder, because the decline in education, especially in scientific subjects, must be tolerated, as well as the non-integration of many migrants. These immigrants prefer to integrate into the shadow economy of their parallel societies and clans. And our state allows it. The main thing is that everyone has equal ‚opportunities‘.“

Energy transition madness: „Crash landing is foreseeable!“ Großmann asks: Where is the outcry from the business community against the „gradual regime change from the good old market to green-dressed Marxism?“. The former RWE manager goes into great detail about the so-called energy transition: So-called „green electricity“ is only sufficient for a few showcase projects at best. The gigantic project of the so-called energy transition, without any commercial calculation, threatens to break the backbone of Germany’s industry and above all the medium-sized suppliers. Großmann says: „The Berlin traffic light coalition boasts about its plans for ‚green electricity‘ and ‚green hydrogen‘, produced with German sun and German wind. However, it is already foreseeable that these capacities will only be sufficient for a few major projects in the steel and chemical industries. The much larger rest of the small and medium-sized suppliers will be left empty-handed. No state, not even Germany, can produce so much more renewable energy so quickly. And the expansion of supply networks – for electricity or hydrogen – is far from sufficient to supply our high-tech economy with secure and affordable energy. Not to mention e-mobility, for which production and networks are still in their infancy.“

„Green-red flickering will-o‘-the-wisp“ Großmann compares the course of the traffic light government to a „pilot who is attempting to land in bad weather conditions in blind flight through dense cloud banks.“ This would not be a problem as long as the instruments function reliably and there is a precise guiding beam. „But Germany has switched off the instruments and is following a green-red flickering will-o‘-the-wisp. It is high time to correct the course!“ warns the German steel legend, confirming what the AfD has been demanding for the past two years!

Original Artikel Teaser

Deutsche Stahl-Legende fordert: „Stoppt die Ritter der Klima-Apokalypse!“

Es ist ein allerletzter Weckruf! Jürgen Großmann (71), einer der legendärsten deutschen Stahlbosse, rechnet gnadenlos mit der Anti-Deutschland-Ampel, dem Klimawahn und dem Ungeist der sogenannten „Woke“-Kultur ab. Er warnt: „Leistungswille und Know-how gehen den Bach hinunter, seit Dilettanten mit der ökonomischen Kompetenz von Schulabbrechern die Rahmenbedingungen der Wirtschaftspolitik setzen.“ Der erfolgreiche Ex-Manager fordert: „Stoppt die Ritter der Klima-Apokalypse!“ „Aus der Zeit gefallen? Drei Generationen wider den Zeitgeist“ – die Neuerscheinung mit einem Vorwort des großen deutschen Entertainers Harald Schmidt ist das Buch des Jahres! Die deutsche Stahl-Legende Jürgen Großmann (71) geht darin wie kein anderer Manager vor ihm mit den Ampel-Totalversagern ins Gericht. Der erfolgreiche Sanierer des Osnabrücker Pleite-Stahlwerks Georgsmarienhütte (heute 7.000 Mitarbeiter) und spätere RWE-Vorstandsvorsitzende sagt, was viele Wirtschaftsbosse

Details zu Deutsche Stahl-Legende fordert: „Stoppt die Ritter der Klima-Apokalypse!“

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brutale-jugendbande,-die-schutzgeld-erpressung-mit-molotow-cocktails-beging,-wurde-identifiziertBrutale Jugendbande, die Schutzgeld-Erpressung mit Molotow-Cocktails beging, wurde identifiziert
jake-sullivan-verteidigt-seine-behauptung,-dass-der-nahostkonflikt-„ruhig“-war,-tage-vor-dem-hamas-terrorangriffJake Sullivan verteidigt seine Behauptung, dass der Nahostkonflikt "ruhig" war, Tage vor dem Hamas-Terrorangriff