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Die Vorbereitungen für die Wagenknecht-Partei sind in vollem Gange

Published On: 20. Oktober 2023 9:05

Ego-Trip“, „unverantwortlich“, „keine Basis“ – Sahra Wagenknecht’s party colleagues criticize her heavily. Because a new party could cost Die Linke its status in the Bundestag. The announcement by Sahra Wagenknecht to now found a party initially provoked negative reactions. The leader of Die Linke, Janine Wissler, accused her of an „ego trip“ in the Tagesthemen. Dietmar Bartsch, the leader of the Left Party faction, called Wagenknecht’s approach „irresponsible in view of the social situation and the situation of Die Linke“. He said this to the Rheinische Post. Elections in Hesse and Bavaria Harald Wolf, the federal treasurer of Die Linke, criticized the success of a Wagenknecht party in the FAZ: „Her last project Aufstehen has failed miserably. A party that is completely focused on one person has no broad basis. Wagenknecht now speaks of conservative values, of abuse of social benefits, she wants to promote fossil energy companies instead of making progress in climate protection and completely cut benefits for unrecognized asylum seekers.“ The former party leader Bernd Riexinger called Wagenknecht’s exit a „liberation“. „Everyone who was prevented from voting for us or even becoming a member by Ms. Wagenknecht is warmly invited,“ he said to the media. The clarity now ensures that the voters of Die Linke now know again „what Die Linke wants and does for them“. The discord has its reasons. There is a danger that Die Linke could lose its faction status in the Bundestag in the event of a split. With the loss of faction status, the party would not only lose numerous rights in parliament, but also the right to a vice president – Petra Pau would no longer be able to exercise this role. The fact that the entry of the Left Party faction was a political issue from the start because it did not reach 5 percent in the federal elections is still a separate matter: because two of the three mandates came from Berlin, where the accumulation of grievances had led to a repeat of the election at the state level. TE has informed about this and has gone to Karlsruhe, but the constitutional judges continue to block. On Monday, Wagenknecht will first publicly announce the founding of the association „BSW – For Reason and Justice,“ wrote Der Spiegel on Wednesday evening. This association is considered a kind of preliminary stage for the founding of a party and is already registered. The abbreviation is supposed to stand for „Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht“. However, Wagenknecht does not want to announce her withdrawal from the party or the faction. Recently, more than 50 members of Die Linke demanded her expulsion from the party. Wagenknecht had said in an interview with Tagesschau a week ago that founding a party would not be possible before 2024. The sociologist Wolfgang Streeck expressed his support. He wished Wagenknecht’s new party „every conceivable success,“ he said in an interview with Junge Freiheit. The former director of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies criticized the dwindling willingness to criticize capitalism in left-wing circles. „Today, it’s about authoritarianism or what is understood by it, not against capitalism: against Orbán instead of against Microsoft,“ he explained. Streeck had already been involved in Wagenknecht’s movement „Aufstehen“. TE has been reporting on a split in Die Linke since August 8th. Advertisement Support If you liked our article: Support this form of journalism

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Vorbereitung für Wagenknecht-Partei läuft auf Hochtouren

„Ego-Trip“, „unverantwortlich“, „keine Basis“ – über Sahra Wagenknecht schütten Parteikollegen viel Kritik aus. Denn eine neue Partei könnte die Linke ihren Status im Bundestag kosten. IMAGO / Steinach Die Ankündigung Sahra Wagenknechts, nun doch eine Partei zu gründen, hatte zuerst negative Reaktionen hervorgerufen. Die Linken-Chefin Janine Wissler etwa hatte ihr einen „Ego-Trip“ in den Tagesthemen vorgeworfen. Linken-Fraktionschef Dietmar Bartsch nannte das Vorgehen Wagenknechts „unverantwortlich angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Situation und der Lage der Linken“. Das sagte er der Rheinischen Post. Wahlen in Hessen und Bayern Harald Wolf, der Bundesschatzmeister der Linken, ätzte in der FAZ über den Erfolg einer Wagenknecht-Partei: „Ihr letztes Projekt Aufstehen ist krachend gescheitert. Eine Partei, die komplett auf eine Person ausgerichtet ist, hat keine breite Basis. Wagenknecht

Details zu Vorbereitung für Wagenknecht-Partei läuft auf Hochtouren

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