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Stoltenberg gibt zu: Die NATO-Erweiterung war ein Grund für den Krieg

Published On: 23. Oktober 2023 10:33

Jeffrey Sachs / 23.10.2023 Stoltenberg before an EU committee: „Not expanding NATO was Putin’s condition for not invading Ukraine.“ upg. Jeffrey Sachs is a professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University in New York. He has advised three UN Secretaries-General and currently serves as an SDG advisor under Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. This guest article appeared on The US obsession with continuously expanding the North Atlantic Alliance is irresponsible. Ukrainians are paying a high price for this. During the terrible Vietnam War, the US government kept the public in the dark and misinformed. But Daniel Ellsberg, a fearless American economist, peace activist, and whistleblower, leaked the Pentagon Papers, which documented the US government’s lies about the war. The secrecy was supposed to protect politicians responsible for the atrocities. Nothing has changed when it comes to the war in Ukraine. Dark blue = NATO members in Europe. Light blue = NATO candidates The Russian war arose „out of nowhere“ According to the US government and the pro-government „New York Times,“ the war in Ukraine was „unprovoked,“ meaning without cause. Putin, who allegedly confused himself with Peter the Great, invaded Ukraine to restore the Russian Empire. But in early September, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made a faux pas by accidentally speaking the truth. In his speech before EU committees, Stoltenberg made it clear that the relentless US push for NATO expansion into Ukraine was the real cause of the war – and the reason why this war continues to this day. The revealing statements by Stoltenberg: „President Putin stated in the fall of 2021 that NATO should promise not to expand anymore. He sent a draft contract for this. It was his condition for not invading Ukraine. Of course, we did not sign it. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all alliance states that have joined NATO since 1997. Half of NATO, that is, all of Central and Eastern Europe, should receive a kind of second-class B-membership militarily. We rejected that. So he went to war to prevent NATO from reaching its borders. But he achieved exactly the opposite.“ Excerpt from the speech by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. Labeled as „Putin apologists“ When John Mearsheimer, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, myself, and others said the same thing, we were labeled as „Putin apologists.“ The same critics fail to mention or ignore that some warned against NATO expansion into Ukraine long before. These include leading US diplomats such as political scientist George Kennan or former US ambassadors to Russia, Jack Matlock and William Burns. No means no William Burns, currently CIA director, was the US ambassador to Russia in 2008 and author of a memo titled „Nyet means Nyet.“ In this memo, he explained to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that the entire political class in Russia, not just Putin, strongly opposes NATO expansion. We only know about this memo because it was leaked. Why is Russia against NATO expansion? For the simple reason that it does not want US military presence on its 2,300 km border with Ukraine in the Black Sea region. Russia was already upset when the US deployed Aegis missiles in Poland and Romania after unilaterally withdrawing from the indefinite arms control agreement between the two countries to limit missile defense systems. Russia also did not welcome the fact that during the Cold War (1947-1989), the US actively promoted no less than 70 regime changes. Countless others followed, such as in Serbia, Afghanistan, Georgia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, and Ukraine. Russia also does not like the fact that many leading US politicians actively advocate for the destruction of the country’s integrity under the slogan of „decolonizing Russia.“ From Russia’s perspective, this would be equivalent to Russia promoting the secession of Texas, California

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Stoltenberg räumt ein: Nato-Expansion war Kriegsgrund

Jeffrey Sachs / 23.10.2023  Stoltenberg vor einem EU-Ausschuss: «Die Nato nicht zu erweitern, war die Bedingung Putins, nicht in die Ukraine einzumarschieren.» upg. Jeffrey Sachs ist Professor und Direktor des Zentrums für nachhaltige Entwicklung an der Columbia University in New York. Er war Berater von drei Uno-Generalsekretären und amtet derzeit als SDG-Berater unter Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres. Dieser Gastbeitrag erschien auf Die Besessenheit der USA, das nordatlantische Bündnis kontinuierlich zu erweitern, ist unverantwortlich. Dafür zahlen die Ukrainer heute einen hohen Preis. Während des furchtbaren Vietnamkriegs hatte die US-Regierung die Öffentlichkeit im Dunkeln gelassen und desinformiert. Doch Daniel Ellsberg, furchtloser US-amerikanischer Ökonom, Friedensaktivist und Whistleblower, liess die Pentagon-Papiere durchsickern, welche die Lügen der US-Regierung über den Krieg dokumentierten. Eigentlich sollte die Geheimhaltung Politiker schützen, die für die Gräuel verantwortlich

Details zu Stoltenberg räumt ein: Nato-Expansion war Kriegsgrund

Categories: Deutsch, Infosperber, Politik, Quellen, UkraineTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 48
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