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Israel macht sich bereit, einen schrecklichen Fehler zu machen

Published On: 24. Oktober 2023 10:07

Red. / 24.10.2023 „The hour is late. I have never written such an urgent column before,“ says New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman. upg. NYT columnist Thomas L. Friedman is the author of the book „From Beirut to Jerusalem“. He recently visited Israel and published a call to Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden on October 22. Here are the key passages: According to what I have learned from senior US officials, Biden has failed to persuade Israel to exercise restraint and consider all the implications of an invasion of the Gaza Strip for Israel and the United States. Let me express this as clearly as I can, because it is already late: I believe that if Israel now rushes headlong into the Gaza Strip to destroy Hamas – and does so without clearly committing to a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority and the cessation of Jewish settlements deep in the West Bank – it will make a grave mistake that will be devastating for Israeli and American interests. It is not about Israel’s right to retaliate against Hamas for the cruel barbarism it has inflicted on Israeli men, women, babies, and grandparents. It certainly has that right. It is about doing it in the right way – in a way that does not play into the hands of Hamas, Iran, and Russia. There will be no one to help Israel bear the costs of providing for more than two million people and rebuilding in the Gaza Strip. At least not as long as Israel is led by a government that thinks and acts as if it can legitimately avenge itself on Hamas while unjustifiably building an apartheid-like society in the West Bank led by Jewish rulers. If Netanyahu does not break with these Jewish supremacists, he will bring all of Israel into the prison of Gaza. Biden must make it clear to this Israeli government that taking over the Gaza Strip – without a completely new concept for the settlements, the West Bank, and a two-state solution – would be a disaster for Israel and a disaster for America. We can help and even insist that our Arab and European allies work on creating a more effective, less corrupt, and more legitimate Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, which could also govern in Gaza after a certain transition period. But not without a fundamental change in Israeli policy towards the Palestinian Authority and the Jewish settlers. Otherwise, what started as a Hamas attack on Israel has the potential to trigger a Middle East war involving all major and regional powers. Israel is unlikely to allow Iran’s proxies [Hezbollah] to launch rockets at Israel without Israel firing a rocket directly at Tehran. Israel has missile-armed submarines that are likely in the Persian Gulf right now. When that happens… The United States, Russia, and China could be drawn in directly or indirectly. That is why I believe it would be much better for Israel to refer to an operation in the Gaza Strip as „Operation Save Our Hostages“ – and not as „Operation End Hamas Once and for All“ – and to carry it out, if possible, with repeated surgical strikes and special forces that can target the Hamas leadership but also draw the clearest possible line between the civilian population of the Gaza Strip and the Hamas dictatorship. The hour is late. I have never written such an urgent column because I have never been so concerned about how this situation could spiral out of control in a way that inflicts irreparable damage on Israel, irreparable damage on US interests, irreparable damage on the Palestinians, threatens Jews everywhere, and destabilizes the whole world. Thematic interests of the author No_____________________Opinions in articles on Infosperber correspond to the personal assessments of the author

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«Israel ist dabei, einen schrecklichen Fehler zu begehen»

Red. / 24.10.2023  «Die Stunde ist spät. Ich habe noch nie eine so dringende Kolumne geschrieben», sagt New York Times-Kolumnist Thomas L. Friedman. upg. NYT-Kolumnist Thomas L. Friedman ist Autor des Buches «From Beirut to Jerusalem». Er besuchte soeben Israel und veröffentlichte einen am 22. Oktober aktualisierten Aufruf an Ministerpräsident Netanyahu und Präsident Biden. Im Folgenden die wichtigsten Passagen: Nach allem, was ich von hochrangigen US-Beamten erfahren habe, ist es Biden nicht gelungen, Israel dazu zu bringen, sich zurückzuhalten und alle Auswirkungen einer Invasion des Gazastreifens für Israel und die Vereinigten Staaten zu durchdenken. Lassen Sie mich das so klar und deutlich ausdrücken, wie ich kann, denn es ist schon spät: Ich glaube, wenn Israel jetzt Hals über Kopf in

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