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Söder imitiert Hund vor ZDF – Fernsehpreis für Hayali

Published On: 25. Oktober 2023 1:09

Horst Seehofer once described his successor Markus Söder as prone to dirtiness and excessive ambition. My former boss, Focus founder Helmut Markwort, referred to Söder as authoritarian and warned about him. Söder is a symbol of pandering to the spirit of the times, often making absurd turns. He went from being a hardliner on Corona to a critic of Corona measures. He went from being a fan of Franz Josef Strauss to being ‚Mama’s darling‘ and aligning himself with Merkel’s red-green course. And now he is once again bending over backwards to cater to the red-green mainstream. After obediently bowing down to Merkel in June and awarding her the Bavarian Order of Merit, Söder is now kneeling before the red-green public broadcasting network. Specifically, ZDF moderator Dunja Hayali, one of the staunchest advocates of the ‚woke‘ zeitgeist, is now awarding Söder’s state government with the ‚Blauer Panther Award‘, formerly known as the Bavarian Television Award. In a press release, the party and government leader stated: ‚Dunja Hayali stands for a clear compass against racism, misogyny, and discrimination against minorities.‘ Franz Josef Strauss, whom Söder, a former editor at the public broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk, admitted to joining the CSU because of, must be turning in his grave. Because what the staunchly red-green Hayali fights against as ‚racism, misogyny, and discrimination against minorities‘ would have been considered Bavarian culture by Strauss and the former CSU. In this respect, Söder’s decision to award the prize is a remarkable self-abasement for a CSU leader. And it is reminiscent of the ‚Geißler‘, a Christian lay movement in the 13th and 14th centuries. Their religious practices included public self-flagellation. With the blows against themselves, they wanted to repent and cleanse themselves of sins. Will Söder succeed in doing so? Or will it backfire? In his hymn of praise for Hayali, Söder continues: ‚With facts, intelligence, and humor, she advocates for tolerance, integration, and a democratic culture of discussion.‘ Excuse me? The woman who incites hatred against those with different opinions is being praised as a promoter of ‚tolerance and democratic culture of discussion‘? That’s like giving Baerbock an award for rhetoric. But Söder goes even further. He writes: ‚Dunja Hayali repeatedly courageously confronts opponents of an open-minded Germany.‘ By that, he probably means that she exposes people with different opinions and ridicules them. Söder’s flattery for Hayali goes even further: ‚She is a role model for many people and has an impact far beyond television.‘ She does indeed. She divides society and incites her viewers against government critics. ‚In times of fake news, hostility to democracy, and crises, Dunja Hayali demonstrates journalistic and social commitment that we need more than ever,‘ Söder continues. And with that, he makes it clear: Critical journalism is ‚fake news‘ for him. And criticism of the government is ‚hostility to democracy‘. Söder jumped into politics as an admirer of Franz Josef Strauss. And he ended up as Merkel’s doormat. One can only feel embarrassed for this man. And wonder why more than a third of Bavarians who voted chose him. Perhaps he owes that to ZDF and its reporting. Because it is primarily the older generation that disproportionately votes for the CSU. And they also disproportionately consume public broadcasting propaganda. Which brings us back to ZDF’s Hayali. And the award she just received. Under attack – but your support is all the more important! As a critical journalist, one constantly has to endure being smeared with dirt. Particularly active in this regard are the public broadcasting channels. The ARD chief fact-checker Gensing sued me in 2019, and the ZDF, the broadcaster of Böhmermann, recently defamed me as a ’spreader of conspiracy narratives‘ – without providing a single piece of evidence and in a report full of lies. Springer journalist Garbor Steingardt defamed me in ‚Focus‘, where I worked for 16 years, as a ‚member of an army of tin soldiers‘ and a ‚media fighting machine‘ of the AfD. On the initiative of the ‚Westdeutscher Rundfunk‘, I was even put on a wanted list. If you defend yourself legally, you usually have to bear the costs yourself. That’s why your support is all the more important. Morally as well. It encourages me to keep going and not give up. I sincerely thank you for enabling me to continue my work with your contribution – without compulsory fees and tax money. Currently, (again) donations via credit card, Apple Pay, etc. are possible – despite the PayPal blockade: through this link. Alternatively, via bank transfer, IBAN: DE30 6805 1207 0000 3701 71. I explicitly ask those who have little to keep what they have. I am all the more grateful for the support of those who can afford it. My latest video EXCLUSIVE: Why doctor Habig preferred to go to prison rather than vaccinate: ‚The highest commandment is not to harm patients!‘ Now new! Visit our fan shop! Image: Screenshot Youtube video More on the topic on reitschuster.de Hayali & Co.: The double standards and hubris of the media hypocrites Brazen attacks on the #ZDF icon – that’s what was written everywhere. A look behind the scenes reveals a completely different reality. How the government grovels before Merkel’s dogmas To protect the narrative, the Chancellor and FDP ministers fail to mention that the perpetrator also killed his own mother. And thereby expose the fatal mantra of the Merkel Republic – which goes back to the GDR. Ministerial ‚guidelines‘: Nothing but platitudes Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek announced a ‚Corona guideline‘, and now she has presented it. Critics say: The paper comes six months too late and is now ‚as useless as a goiter‘. GUEST CONTRIBUTION Shortly before the election: Söder announces LGBTQ action plan for Bavaria Even the opportunism of the CSU leader no longer works – otherwise he would know that he

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Söder macht Männchen vor ZDF – Fernsehpreis für Hayali

„Er neigt zu Schmutzeleien und maßlosem Ehrgeiz“ – so äußerte sich einst Horst Seehofer über seinen Nachfolger Markus Söder. Mein ehemaliger Chef, der Focus-Gründer Helmut Markwort, bezeichnete Söder im Gespräch mit mir als autoritär und warnte vor ihm (siehe mein Interview mit ihm hier –  „Stoppt Söder“). Geradezu symbolhaft steht Söder zudem für Anbiederung an den Zeitgeist. Wobei er dabei die absurdesten Volten schlägt. Vom Corona-Hardliner warnte er sich zum Corona-Maßnahmen-Kritiker. Vom Franz-Josef-Strauß-Fan wurde er zu „Muttis Liebling“ und ging ganz auf rot-grünen Merkel-Kurs. Um dann vor den Landtagswahlen wieder eine 180-Grad-Wende nach „rechts“ zu machen. Und jetzt legt er schon wieder einen Purzelbaum hin und biedert sich wieder beim rot-grünen Juste-Milieu an. Nachdem er im Juni noch einmal brav – politisch

Details zu Söder macht Männchen vor ZDF – Fernsehpreis für Hayali

20-faelle-von-sexueller-gewalt-pro-woche-in-der-hauptstadt20 Fälle von sexueller Gewalt pro Woche in der Hauptstadt
bestaetigung-des-kurses-von-pro-schweiz-bei-den-eidgenoessischen-wahlen-2023Bestätigung des Kurses von Pro Schweiz bei den Eidgenössischen Wahlen 2023