geheimer-hassGeheimer Hass
kaffeetreffen-bei-kanzlers:-laender-fordern-hoehere-finanzmittel-fuer-„fluechtlinge“-–-te-wecker-am-6.-november-2023Kaffeetreffen bei Kanzlers: Länder fordern höhere Finanzmittel für "Flüchtlinge" - TE-Wecker am 6. November 2023

Die Frau, die erst spät ihre Berufung gefunden hat

Published On: 6. November 2023 2:30

BSW, „Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht“, is now the name of the association that is supposed to lead the left-wing separatists into a new party. Wagenknecht recently said in an ARD feature on the matter that she had thought about what BSW could still stand for. Unfortunately, she couldn’t think of anything, she laughed. Probably for this reason, a subtitle has been added to BSW: „For Reason and Justice“. Even though the choice of name seems somewhat unfortunate, Sahra Wagenknecht has taken several members of the Left Party with her. Therefore, Die Linke will lose its faction status. The well-known figures of the Left Party still claim that their party can still be saved. But these are probably just words of encouragement. They probably realize themselves that the future will be a difficult terrain for this party. On the other hand, the Wagenknecht party is said to have the future, one often hears. She is a bearer of hope. And yes, also a savior. She prevents the AfD and will be a real alternative for Germany. Eight to 15 years These would be nice prospects: Finally, a party that represents the interests of the so-called „little man“. A left-wing alternative that is oriented towards trade unions and does not constantly lecture on how to speak and feel. It will be crucial that BSW does not accept everyone just because they are willing to join a new party. When a similar attempt was made a few years ago, then under the label „Aufstehen“, suddenly identity-oriented people gathered around this party-internal platform. In the end, Aufstehen looked like the Left Party itself, which had already taken the wrong path of wokeness. However, at that time, people in this country did not yet speak of wokeness. That came later. A new foundation is certainly necessary in these times. The Left Party first ran in the federal election in 2005. At that time, it achieved a respectable success. For several years now, it has been going downhill. Jutta Ditfurth wrote in her book „Das waren die Grünen“ that the young Green Party „might have had eight to 15 years“ „before the mechanisms of adaptation of this society would have swallowed up the project“. Then a new extraparliamentary movement would have to establish itself „that would neutralize the pressure of integration and adaptation“. This time frame also applied to the Left Party. The party has become an end in itself, has lost touch with the people in the country. The Wagenknecht party may not fare much differently over time. It is now in close contact with the dissatisfied people in Germany. But this closeness will of course be lost, careers want to be advanced, positions want to be distributed. This is not a reproach, it is the political system in this country. A new project certainly has chances – but probably only for a few years until it dilutes itself. In this respect, every party founding is always a process of disappointment. This was recently seen with the Left Party. People start their work with the best intentions, show idealism, but gradually have to let go of it, reduce expectations. Suddenly there are members in the party who see many things completely differently – and who change the party’s guidelines. To nurture any hope of a new party founding is always an act of naivety. It’s the system, stupid! This is also because many of those who can now be identified as protest voters are not simply expressing their aversion to voting because they are so disappointed with the Union or the

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Die Spätberufene

BSW, „Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht“ heißt nun also der Verein, der die abspaltungswilligen Linken in eine neue Partei führen soll. Sie habe sich überlegt, was BSW noch heißen könnte, sagte Wagenknecht neulich in einem ARD-Feature zur Causa. Eingefallen sei ihr allerdings leider nichts, lachte sie. Wohl aus diesem Grund hat man dem BSW noch einen Untertitel hinzugefügt: „Für Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit“. Auch wenn die Namenswahl etwas unglücklich scheint, so hat Sahra Wagenknecht doch etliche Abgeordnete aus der Linkspartei mitgenommen. Die Linke wird daher ihren Fraktionsstatus verlieren. Die bekannten Köpfe der Linkspartei erklären nach wie vor, dass ihre Partei noch zu retten sei. Aber das sind vermutlich nur Durchhalteparolen. Sie ahnen wohl selbst, dass die Zukunft ein schwieriges Terrain für diese Partei

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Categories: Deutsch, Manova, QuellenTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 15
geheimer-hassGeheimer Hass
kaffeetreffen-bei-kanzlers:-laender-fordern-hoehere-finanzmittel-fuer-„fluechtlinge“-–-te-wecker-am-6.-november-2023Kaffeetreffen bei Kanzlers: Länder fordern höhere Finanzmittel für "Flüchtlinge" - TE-Wecker am 6. November 2023