enthuellt:-der-grosse-neustart,-die-ki-revolution-und-die-„globale-erhitzung“:-enthuellung-des-geheimen-depopulationsplans-–-du-bist-der-co2-fussabdruck,-den-sie-eliminieren-wollenENTHÜLLT: Der Große Neustart, die KI-Revolution und die "Globale Erhitzung": Enthüllung des geheimen Depopulationsplans - DU bist der CO2-Fußabdruck, den sie eliminieren wollen
untersuchung-an-19.000-geimpften:-33-prozent-berichteten-ueber-neurologische-symptomeUntersuchung an 19.000 Geimpften: 33 Prozent berichteten über neurologische Symptome

Schwarzkasten KW 45 – Der historische Olaf

Published On: 12. November 2023 8:00

Historical moments“, „landmark projects of the turning point“ – unfortunately, the SPD doesn’t do things on a small scale, but you can keep the change. What would we do without history? Without the names, events, both good and bad, and the scientists who put them in the right context? We are not promising too much, esteemed readers, when we announce to you at this point that you have been part of one of the most significant historical moments without even realizing it. Because you have just experienced October, which was the „hottest in 125,000 years“, according to „scientists“ – cross my heart. ♦ The SPD speaks of a „very historic moment“ when they are once again particularly proud of themselves, as they currently are of the 17-page resolution on agenda item 6 of the federal-state summit. This sixth point is called „Refugee Policy – Humanity and Order“, and accordingly, a lot could happen. An working group is supposed to develop proposals regarding a payment card for asylum ticket holders. Similarly, a commission could be set up for „better migration control“, in which the beneficiaries of mass immigration (churches, NGOs, trade unions, compliant scientists) would have the upper hand. All that’s missing is moderation – Anne Will. The Union quickly recognized the maneuver as a 360-degree turn, but at least praised the athletic movement. In addition, the states will receive a lump sum of 7,500 euros per „refugee“, so there is still room for maneuver even in Union states. ♦ Nevertheless, Wumms and Wendelin, the head of government and the opposition leader, are not on good terms with each other. Wendelin does not want to form a working group with the SPD on uncontrolled migration because nothing comes of it, and from his point of view, „the Germany Pact is now done“. Wumms finds that regrettable, but he realizes that „no one can be forced to contribute constructively“. ♦ In the meantime, the sun is setting for the governing parties in the East, despite astronomy. Current poll results from Thuringia: FDP out, Greens out. SPD is holding steady at 9 percent. Fingers crossed. However, because the all too familiar activism of our political responsibility community is too easily transparent, after Thuringia (AfD forecast 32 percent, strongest party), Saxony-Anhalt (AfD 33 percent, strongest party) has also labeled the challengers as „proven right-wing extremists“. Perhaps this will deter voters. ♦ Perhaps the secret dinner at the Federal Constitutional Court also has something to do with this development. FDP Minister Buschmann was there, as was the Green Party’s Lisa Paus. Allegedly, the discussion between the appetizer and the

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Blackbox KW 45 – Der historische Olaf

„Historische Momente“, „Leuchtturmprojekte der Zeitenwende“ – die SPD hat’s leider nicht kleiner, aber das Wechselgeld können Sie behalten. Was würden wir nur ohne die Geschichte machen? Ohne die Namen, Ereignisse, gute wie schlechte, und die Wissenschaftler, die diese richtig einordnen? Wir versprechen nicht zu viel, verehrte Leser, wenn wir Ihnen an dieser Stelle kundtun, dass Sie an einem der bedeutendsten historischen Momente dabei gewesen sind, ohne es mitgekriegt zu haben. Denn gerade erst haben Sie den Oktober hinter sich gebracht, der der „heißeste seit 125.000 Jahren“ war. 
„Wissenschaftler“-Ehrenwort. ♦ Bei der SPD spricht man von einem „sehr historischen Moment“, wenn man mal wieder besonders stolz auf sich ist, wie derzeit auf die 17 Seiten Beschlussfassung zum Tagesordnungspunkt 6 des Bund-Länder-Gipfels.

Details zu Blackbox KW 45 – Der historische Olaf

Categories: Deutsch, Politik, Quellen, Tichys EinblickTags: , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 15
enthuellt:-der-grosse-neustart,-die-ki-revolution-und-die-„globale-erhitzung“:-enthuellung-des-geheimen-depopulationsplans-–-du-bist-der-co2-fussabdruck,-den-sie-eliminieren-wollenENTHÜLLT: Der Große Neustart, die KI-Revolution und die "Globale Erhitzung": Enthüllung des geheimen Depopulationsplans - DU bist der CO2-Fußabdruck, den sie eliminieren wollen
untersuchung-an-19.000-geimpften:-33-prozent-berichteten-ueber-neurologische-symptomeUntersuchung an 19.000 Geimpften: 33 Prozent berichteten über neurologische Symptome