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Meta-Analyse: Die Maskenpflicht an Schulen war ineffektiv

Published On: 7. Dezember 2023 16:45

Desperate defense battle of the mask followers – against a study by a renowned research network“ – under this headline, it was reported here in February how allergic the high priests of the mask and corona cult in the media reacted to a meta-study that shook their worldview and doubted the effectiveness of masks. Back in June 2022, we reported on a series of US and international observational studies that found no significant impact of mask mandates on infection rates (see here). Now, almost a year and a half later, even the major media can no longer completely ignore the topic. „Corona mask mandate for children: Researchers find no evidence of effectiveness,“ headlines the „Welt,“ which is at least somewhat bolder than many other publications when it comes to corona. But even with this headline, the text downplays the findings. Because the new findings of a meta-study from the UK are a mega-disaster for the mask fanatics. And in a functioning democracy, they would inevitably raise questions about political consequences. And about the rehabilitation of those who had warned correctly and were massively persecuted for it, like Professor Stefan Hockertz in his book „Generation Mask“ – and not only there. „Some of the scientific studies that justified face masks were flawed; there was no transmission or protection against infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus through masks in children, therefore a mask mandate for children cannot be based on scientific knowledge,“ the report states. It is based on a research team of British and American doctors, epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists, and pediatricians. They have presented a meta-study that was published on December 2nd in the British international journal of pediatrics Archives of Disease in Childhood (ADC). The team evaluated 600 scientific studies from around the world on the topic of school mask mandates. Only a whopping 22 of them met scientific standards and were therefore relevant to the final result. This is devastating for the mask supporters: „16 observational studies showed that there was no impact of mask mandates on infection rates in children,“ according to the „Welt.“ Six other studies from schools in which scientists had shown a connection turned out to be flawed, the newspaper states: These studies had a „critical or serious risk of bias.“ Crucial differences such as different school days or group sizes between masked and unmasked groups had been distorted. As much as Lauterbach, Drosten & Co. would probably like it – the result of the British research team cannot simply be dismissed. „For the analysis of the studies, the group enlisted two independent reviewers, and disagreements were resolved by a third reviewer to arrive at a transparent and meaningful result,“ according to the „Welt.“ Critics argue that the mask mandate for children caused psychological and physical damage such as developmental disorders, impaired communication, breathing problems, and skin irritations. According to the report, the researchers also refer in their paper to studies that raised exactly these problems as well as learning disorders. However, it is still too early for definitive statements about the damage, according to the research team. Those who were defamed as heretics were right. And the Weimar mask judge Dettmer was sentenced to two years probation for enforcing fundamental rights and protecting children from this senseless and harmful torture (see here). Our politicians should take the conclusion of the British researchers to heart: The results, according to the report, showed that „special caution is required when new measures with unknown benefits but also potential

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Meta-Studie: Schul-Maskenpflicht war sinnlos

„Verzweifelter Abwehrkampf der Masken-Jünger – gegen Studie von renommiertem Forschungsnetzwerk“ – unter dieser Überschrift war hier im Februar davon zu lesen, wie allergisch die Hohepriester des Masken- und Corona-Kults in den Medien auf eine Meta-Studie reagierten, die ihr Weltbild ins Wanken brachte und den Nutzen der Masken anzweifelte. Bereits im Juni 2022 berichteten wir über eine ganze Reihe US-amerikanischer und internationaler Beobachtungsstudien, die keine signifikante Auswirkung der Schulmaskenpflicht auf die Infektionsfälle feststellten (siehe hier). Inzwischen, fast anderthalb Jahre später, kommen auch die großen Medien nicht mehr gänzlich um das Thema herum. „Corona-Maskenpflicht für Kinder: Forscher finden keinen Beweis für Wirksamkeit“, titelt jetzt die „Welt“, die in Sachen Corona zumindest etwas mutiger ist als viele andere Blätter. Aber auch mit dieser

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