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sahra-wagenknechts-abrechnung-mit-zwei-jahren-ampel:-die-ultimative-form-des-wahnsinnsSahra Wagenknechts Abrechnung mit zwei Jahren Ampel: Die ultimative Form des Wahnsinns

Was ist ein ‚Völkermord

Published On: 15. Dezember 2023 14:07

l, which would dilute the seriousness of the crime. Instead, the ICTY held that the intent to destroy the group must be present, and the act of killing must be part of a broader plan or pattern aimed at the destruction of the group as a whole.

In summary, the strategic bombing campaign against Japan during World War II cannot be classified as genocide. While it resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians and caused immense suffering, it did not meet the legal definition of genocide as defined by the Genocide Convention. Genocide requires the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such, and the acts must be part of a broader pattern aimed at the destruction of the group. The strategic bombing campaign, while devastating, was not specifically targeted at any particular group based on their identity

Original Artikel Teaser

What is a ‘Genocide’?

The night of March 9th-10th 1945 saw the deadliest single air raid in the entirety of World War Two, and, therefore, the deadliest in history. A total of 334 B-29 bombers took off on the raid; 279 made it to Tokyo, where they delivered a payload of 1,665 tons of bombs – most of which contained napalm or white phosphorus. The result was a conflagration which swept through Tokyo’s densely packed working class neighbourhoods, where the housing – as was traditional in Japan, for climatic reasons – was almost entirely made of wood. It is generally thought that around 100,000 people died in the resultant fire (more than were killed by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima). That was a single

Details zu What is a ‘Genocide’?

ho!-ho!-eine-andere-art-zu-schenken!Ho! Ho! Eine andere Art zu schenken!
sahra-wagenknechts-abrechnung-mit-zwei-jahren-ampel:-die-ultimative-form-des-wahnsinnsSahra Wagenknechts Abrechnung mit zwei Jahren Ampel: Die ultimative Form des Wahnsinns