ticker-bauernproteste:-buerger-zeigen-verstaendnis-–-bislang-293-aktionen-fuer-den-8.-januar-geplantTICKER Bauernproteste: Bürger zeigen Verständnis – Bislang 293 Aktionen für den 8. Januar geplant
feuerschutzmauer-im-thueringer-stilFeuerschutzmauer im Thüringer Stil

Eine liebevolle Geste für kalte Klimaaktivisten

Published On: 7. Januar 2024 12:08

Von Daniel Weinmann „Are you ready for the most versatile winter vacation you have ever experienced? Can’t wait to hop into your ski boots? Already envisioning the snowy winter landscape? Then off to Ischgl!“ This is how the 1,600-inhabitant village in Tyrol advertises itself on its website – and crowns itself as the „lifestyle mecca of the Alps“. Reason enough for four protagonists of the so-called „Last Generation“ to spoil the parade for ski aficionados. The climate panicers had the glorious idea of blocking the road to the ski area with a sit-in protest. As if it weren’t grotesque enough to protest against global warming in freezing cold temperatures, some activists couldn’t resist revealing themselves as winter sports fans. „We love skiing and want our children and future generations to have the opportunity to do so,“ quotes the press release 18-year-old Hannah Dechler. „Take action now, otherwise skiing will be a thing of the past“ „If we don’t act now, skiing could soon be a thing of the past. That’s why we urgently need to implement the recommendations of the Climate Council in Austria. This is how we achieve socially just change towards a climate-friendly society.“ It is disturbing that the same activist who preaches the impending end of the world speaks of „our children“. „We have to take action now, otherwise skiing will be over,“ echoed Anna Freund (22), spokesperson for „Last Generation Austria“, dripping with self-righteousness. According to „oe24“, the action led to significant traffic disruptions. The vacationers apparently had little understanding for the action, insulted the extremists („Hey, get lost, who are you?“) and even physically attacked them. Two Germans dragged some of the activists, who were partially glued to the road, away. „We experienced the operation as extremely respectful and correct“ The police, who arrived in the meantime, showed compassion and provided the protest group with warming blankets. It is not known whether they also offered hot tea. It is also not known whether these representatives of the state were the ones who showed no mercy to demonstrators against the corona measures. The blockade lasted just under half an hour. The supposed climate protectors thanked the local emergency services on X (formerly Twitter): „The police in Ischgl provided us with rescue blankets in the freezing cold today. We experienced the operation as extremely respectful and correct.“ In stark contrast to some of the tourists present. Particularly embarrassing: Even „RTL.de“ shows understanding for the apocalyptics: „The concern of the climate activists to save the ski resorts is actually in the interest of all skiers.“ Your help is needed! On my website, you could already read in 2021 what was still considered „corona heresy“ at the time – and which now even the major media have to admit. Critical journalism is like an icebreaker – it cuts through the uniform opinion. For this, you have to endure a lot. But that’s the only way to break the ice. Slowly, but surely. This work is only possible with your support! Help secure critical, independent journalism that does not receive public broadcasting fees or tax money and does not have a billionaire as a sponsor. And therefore is only accountable to you – the readers! Thank you so much! By credit card, Apple Pay, etc. Alternatively, via bank transfer, IBAN: DE30 6805 1207 0000 3701 71 or BE43 9672 1582 8501 BITCOIN recipient key on request My current videos Tobogganing without a mask strictly prohibited – and a case for the regulatory office. Review of the Corona madness: The concentrated Corona madness in 10 minutes – a review of a crazy time to shake your head Named contributions always reflect the opinion of the author, not mine. I value my readers as adults and want to offer them different perspectives so that they can form their own opinion. Daniel Weinmann worked for many years as an editor for one of the most well-known German media outlets. He writes here under a pseudonym. Image: Screenshot Video X more from Daniel Weinmann on reitschuster.de Migration crisis at its limit: Refugees to move into private apartments While uncontrolled immigration is now completely out of control and even the Greens have raised the white flag, private apartments and hotels are now supposed to serve as additional refuges. By Daniel Weinmann. Property tax chaos at the expense of taxpayers Over three million German citizens have lodged objections against their property tax assessments. To process them, tax offices are pulling auditors off one after the other. This means that the cash-strapped state is missing out on one million euros per auditor. By Daniel Weinmann. Excessive Corona measures: Tour de France becomes a farce No autographs, mask requirement, and curfew. This year, participants in the world’s most famous cycling race have to accept enormous restrictions – „for the sake of health“. By Daniel Weinmann

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Ein Herz für frierende Klimakleber

Von Daniel Weinmann „Sie sind bereit für den vielseitigsten Winterurlaub, den Sie je erlebt haben? Können es kaum noch erwarten, in die Skischuhe zu hüpfen? Sehen die verschneite Winterlandschaft bereits vor Ihnen? Dann auf nach Ischgl!“ So wirbt das 1600-Seelen-Örtchen in Tirol auf seiner Homepage – und krönt sich gleich selbst zum „Lifestyle-Mekka der Alpen“. Grund genug für vier Protagonisten der sogenannten „Letzten Generation“, den Ski-Aficionados in die Parade zu fahren. Die Klima-Paniker hatten die glorreiche Idee, mit einer Sitzblockade die Straße zum Ski-Gebiet zu blockieren. Als wäre es nicht grotesk genug, bei klirrender Kälte gegen die Klimaerwärmung zu protestieren, konnten sich manche Aktivisten nicht entblöden, sich als Wintersport-Fans zu outen. „Wir lieben Skifahren und wollen, dass auch unsere Kinder

Details zu Ein Herz für frierende Klimakleber

ticker-bauernproteste:-buerger-zeigen-verstaendnis-–-bislang-293-aktionen-fuer-den-8.-januar-geplantTICKER Bauernproteste: Bürger zeigen Verständnis – Bislang 293 Aktionen für den 8. Januar geplant
feuerschutzmauer-im-thueringer-stilFeuerschutzmauer im Thüringer Stil