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Ernest Mandel, die Revolution in Kuba und Che Guevara

Published On: 13. Januar 2024 5:02

The provided text is a list of references and sources related to the topic of Cuba and its economic and political situation. It includes books, articles, and interviews by various authors, such as Éric Toussaint, Yannick Bovy, Abel Prieto, Silvio Rodriguez, Julio Carranza Valdés, Haroldo Dilla Alfonso, Mayra Espina Prieto, Julio Fernandez Bulté, Janette Habel, Maria López Vigil, Osvaldo Martínez, Fernando Martínez Heredia, Mirta Rodriguez Calderon, Maya Roy, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Aurelio Alonso Tejada, Léon Trotsky, and Ernest Mandel. The references cover a range of topics, including the Cuban revolution, the Soviet Union, Marxist economic theory, and the role of bureaucracy in socialism

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Ernest Mandel, Revolutionary Cuba and Che Guevara

Introduction The 20th century was marked by victories of social revolutions with a socialist character: in the Czarist Empire in 1917, Yugoslavia in 1945, China in 1949, Vietnam in 1954 and 1975, Cuba in 1959, Algeria in 1962, and Nicaragua in 1979. This sparked major public debates among revolutionaries in these countries over the most effective way to achieve a transition from capitalism to socialism. Between 1918 and 1926–1927, this was especially the case in Soviet Russia and the USSR, with Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Yevgeni Preobrazhensky, and Nicholai Bukharin making the most significant contributions. In Yugoslavia in the 1950s and 1960s, there was a less public discussion of the country’s socialist transition than there had been in the USSR

Details zu Ernest Mandel, Revolutionary Cuba and Che Guevara

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hat-biden-gerade-den-gaza-krieg-eskaliertHat Biden gerade den Gaza-Krieg eskaliert
seit-urzeiten-teilen-wir-das-land-mit-woelfen-und-baeren:-sie-verdienen-unseren-schutzSeit Urzeiten teilen wir das Land mit Wölfen und Bären: Sie verdienen unseren Schutz