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Die Korrespondenz der Generäle über die Eroberung und Einbindung des menschlichen Immunsystems | Stimme für Wissenschaft und Solidarität

Published On: 17. Januar 2024 7:31

g antibodies and virulence-inhibiting PNNAbs to protect against severe infection. However, the immune system is struggling to produce these antibodies at sufficient levels due to the decreased ability of antigen presenting cells (APCs) to present viral antigens. This has led to a shift in the immune response from antibody-mediated to CTL-mediated, where cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are activated to kill virus-infected cells and lessen the severity of infection.

The decrease in antibody production and reliance on CTLs is concerning because it hampers the ability to produce new neutralizing antibodies in response to updated mRNA vaccines and maintain high levels of virulence-inhibiting PNNAbs. This puts highly vaccinated individuals at risk of being unable to effectively neutralize new variants of the virus and control the severity of infection.

Furthermore, the activation of APCs by large viral aggregates and subsequent activation of CTLs can lead to a dampening of T helper cell-dependent recall and boosting of previously primed antibody production. This can result in a loss of control over underlying chronic disorders and a decrease in antibody concentration, preventing the immune response from targeting specific sites on the virus and impeding the production of PNNAbs.

Overall, the immune system in highly vaccinated individuals is facing challenges in producing new neutralizing antibodies and maintaining high levels of protective antibodies. This, coupled with the decreased ability of APCs to present viral antigens, puts individuals at risk of severe infection and allows for the emergence and propagation of new variants that can overcome the protective effects of antibodies

Original Artikel Teaser

The General’s Memos Correspondence Between the Human Generals who Captured and Co-opted the Human Immune System | Voice for Science and Solidarity

(Complicated Version) Note to Reader: There are two versions of The General’s Memos —a “simplified” version and a “complicated” version.  The simplified version is intended for laypersons and health care professionals who desire a practical, comprehensible summary of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s complex analysis of the COVID-19 situation. The complicated version is intended for scientists and health care professionals who have considerable background in immunology and desire a deeper scientific understanding of Dr. Vanden Bossche’s analysis and conclusions. To facilitate the reading of either version, see the list of acronyms and explanations below: NK cells: Natural Killer cells.  These are cells of the innate immune system.  They kill virus-infected human cells. They are excellent “first responders.” RBD: Receptor binding domain

Details zu The General’s Memos Correspondence Between the Human Generals who Captured and Co-opted the Human Immune System | Voice for Science and Solidarity

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