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Anzeige von Jürgen Todenhöfer gegen Mitglieder der Bundesregierung wegen Unterstützung von Kriegsverbrechen

Published On: 16. Februar 2024 16:57

Dr. Jürgen Todenhöfer, the Federal Chairman of the Justice Party – Team Todenhöfer, has filed a criminal complaint today against members of the federal government for complicity in war crimes under §§ 8 and 11 of the International Criminal Code. This complaint does not seem completely unfounded to me. Therefore, we are bringing it to the attention of the readers of NachDenkSeiten. Albrecht Müller. Continuing with the text by Dr. Jürgen Todenhöfer: Attached you will find the statement published by Mr. Todenhöfer: Statement: Today I filed a criminal complaint against members of the federal government for complicity in war crimes under §§ 8 and 11 of the International Criminal Code. The Netanyahu government is committing serious war crimes in Gaza. The German government is politically and militarily complicit in this. Among other things, by increasing its arms exports to Israel tenfold since the start of the war. This complicity in war crimes is punishable by law. A German citizen from Gaza, who lost a large part of his family in one of Israel’s attacks on Gaza, is participating in the criminal complaint. We are represented in our criminal complaint by the Berlin criminal law firm Buse, Herz and Grunst. As a long-time member of the Bundestag, as a former, short-term judge in a terrorism trial, and as a German citizen, I expect a fundamental decision from the German courts on this central legal and moral question of German foreign and security policy. The Basic Law requires all Germans to „serve the peace of the world“ and not the wars of Western or pro-Western states that clearly have nothing to do with self-defense. The Federal Prosecutor General faces a difficult legal and political task. He must not give in to the expected pressure from the federal government. He too is required to „serve the peace of the world“. Together with the Federal Constitutional Court, he is our most important hope in defending our expressly peace-loving Basic Law and our constitutional democracy. The relevant provisions of the International Criminal Code have the following wording. Their clarity leaves no doubt about the illegality of Israeli warfare: „§ 11: War crimes involving the use of prohibited methods of warfare (1) Whoever, in connection with an international or non-international armed conflict, 1. directs an attack against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians who do not directly participate in hostilities, using military means, 2. directs an attack against civilian objects as long as they are protected as such under international humanitarian law, in particular buildings dedicated to worship, education, art, science or charity, historical monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected, undefended cities, towns, dwellings or buildings or demilitarized zones, as well as installations and facilities containing dangerous forces, 3. carries out an attack using military means and thereby expects with certainty that the attack will cause the death or injury of civilians or the damage of civilian objects to an extent that is disproportionate to the overall concrete and immediate military advantage expected, [principle of proportionality]… shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than three years.“ That is the wording of the International Criminal Code. It cannot be formulated any clearer. And it cannot be clearer than the governments of Israel and Germany violating the International Criminal Code. The registered draft of the case follows: The NachDenkSeiten are important for forming a critical opinion, as many, many people tell us – but they also cost money and therefore we ask you, dear readers, for your support. Thank you very much!

Original Artikel Teaser

Strafanzeige Jürgen Todenhöfers gegen Mitglieder der Bundesregierung wegen Beihilfe zu Kriegsverbrechen

Dr. Jürgen Todenhöfer, der Bundesvorsitzende der Gerechtigkeitspartei – Team Todenhöfer, hat heute Strafanzeige gegen Mitglieder der Bundesregierung wegen Beihilfe zu Kriegsverbrechen nach §8 und §11 VStGB erstattet. Ganz abwegig erscheint mir diese Anzeige nicht. Deshalb geben wir sie den Leserinnen und Lesern der NachDenkSeiten zur Kenntnis. Albrecht Müller. Weiter im Text von Dr. Jürgen Todenhöfer: Anbei finden Sie das von Herrn Todenhöfer veröffentlichte Statement: Statement: Ich habe heute Strafanzeige gegen Mitglieder der Bundesregierung wegen Beihilfe zu Kriegsverbrechen nach §8 und §11 Völkerstrafgesetzbuch erstattet. Die Regierung Netanyahu begeht in Gaza schwerste Kriegsverbrechen. Die Ampel leistet hierzu politisch und militärisch Beihilfe. Unter anderem durch eine Verzehnfachung ihrer Rüstungsexporte an Israel seit Kriegsbeginn. Diese Beihilfe zu Kriegsverbrechen ist strafbar. An der Strafanzeige beteiligt

Details zu Strafanzeige Jürgen Todenhöfers gegen Mitglieder der Bundesregierung wegen Beihilfe zu Kriegsverbrechen

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