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Die Welt der Menschen basiert auf ungesunder Gewalt

Published On: 21. Februar 2024 8:10

ine region. This double-dealing would have disastrous consequences for the Palestinian people.

1917: The British issue the Balfour Declaration, a public statement declaring their support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. This betrayal of their promise to the Arabs would sow the seeds of conflict that continue to this day.

1948: The State of Israel is established, leading to the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. The Nakba, or catastrophe, marks the beginning of the ongoing Palestinian refugee crisis.

1967: The Six-Day War sees Israel occupying the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, further displacing Palestinians and deepening their suffering.

Today, the people of Gaza continue to live under a brutal Israeli blockade, with limited access to basic necessities like food, water, and medical supplies. The ongoing violence and oppression faced by the Palestinian people have sparked global outrage and calls for justice.

The struggle for justice and equality for all people, regardless of race, religion, or nationality, continues to this day. It is a reminder of the power of resistance and the importance of standing up against oppression and injustice. The legacies of leaders like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Gandhi serve as inspiration for those fighting for a better world

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The World of Humans is Built Upon Unhealthy Violence.

Written By The Cides. The World of Humans is Built Upon Unhealthy Violence. From the very beginning, if one tribe wanted the resources of another tribe, be that access to water or hunting grounds, if a peaceful settlement was out of reach, violence was the means of deciding who got what. The best warrior in such conflict would lead fighters into battle and invariably became the ‘Head of the Clan’ or the ‘Chief’. It wasn’t long before the religious leadership negotiated an unholy alliance with the ‘Chief’. Observing how money and wealth could be made by threatening someone with violence, the religious leader offered a deal to the Chief. It went like this: “You’re doing pretty well for yourself Chief, making

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