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Hafenarbeiter: Blockieren von Militärgütern nach Israel gegen den Völkermordkrieg gegen die Palästinenser im Gazastreifen!

Published On: 21. Februar 2024 10:15

ch, praising Israel as a “democratic state” and expressing support for its policies. This is in stark contrast to the ILWU’s history of standing in solidarity with oppressed peoples around the world.

The ILWU’s failure to take a strong stance against the Israeli occupation and massacre of Palestinians is a betrayal of its own principles and history. The union has a proud tradition of standing up against injustice and oppression, but in this case, it has fallen short.

It is up to rank-and-file members of the ILWU to demand that their leadership take a principled stand in support of the Palestinian people. They must pressure the union to condemn the Israeli occupation, call for an immediate ceasefire, and refuse to handle any shipments to or from Israel until the siege of Gaza is lifted.

The ILWU has the power to make a real difference in the struggle for justice in Palestine. It’s time for the union to live up to its legacy and stand on the right side of history. The Palestinian people are counting on it

Original Artikel Teaser

Dock Workers: Block Military Cargo to Israel Against the Genocidal War on Palestinians in Gaza!

Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair The massacre of Palestinians in Gaza is escalating as the misnamed Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continue their carnage, flattening whole neighborhoods and committing mass murder of civilians. Yemen and Southern Lebanon have now been drawn into the war. More than 35,000 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been killed and 67,000 seriously injured according to the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor (4 February).[1] The United States is co-responsible for this genocide underway, as all the heavy (500-2,000-lb.) bombs causing the mass slaughter and all the warplanes from which they are dropped are made in the U.S.A. Without U.S. weaponry, the Zionist militarists would be stymied. “Genocide Joe” Biden’s pretense of concern about civilian casualties is nothing

Details zu Dock Workers: Block Military Cargo to Israel Against the Genocidal War on Palestinians in Gaza!

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bombardierung-von-muslimen-fuer-den-friedenBombardierung von Muslimen für den Frieden
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