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Jenseits von Schock und Ehrfurcht: Einblick in Trumps potenzielle Agenda für eine zweite Amtszeit

Published On: 26. Februar 2024 9:43

to the former president: the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA. But if Trump wins a second term, he could have the power to neuter the agency that has been a thorn in his side. Trump has long been critical of CISA, which he has accused of being part of a “deep state” conspiracy to undermine his presidency. His latest plan calls for slashing the agency’s budget and staffing levels, and potentially merging it with other agencies to reduce its independence. Trump has also floated the idea of appointing a new director who is more aligned with his views on election security, potentially undermining the agency’s ability to push back against false claims of election fraud. “CISA has been a thorn in my side for far too long,” Trump said in a statement last year. “It’s time to rein in this out-of-control agency and restore integrity to our elections.” Critics warn that Trump’s efforts to weaken CISA could have serious consequences for the security of future elections, particularly as cyber threats continue to evolve. “CISA plays a critical role in protecting our elections from foreign interference and domestic threats,” said Alex Stamos, a former chief security officer at Facebook. “Any attempt to undermine the agency’s independence or effectiveness could have serious consequences for the integrity of our democracy.” Trump’s plan to overhaul CISA is likely to face fierce opposition from Democrats and some Republicans in Congress, who have praised the agency’s work in securing the 2020 election. But if Trump wins a second term, he could have the power to push through changes to the agency’s structure and leadership, potentially reshaping the landscape of election security in the United States. — Sarah Cammarata

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Beyond shock and awe: Inside Trump's potential second-term agenda

A supporter of former President Donald Trump waves a giant flag hours before the start of a campaign event for Trump at Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, South Carolina on Feb. 23, 2024. | Jamie Kelter Davis for POLITICO An increasingly detailed picture of former President Donald Trump’s second-term agenda is emerging — one that would make the near-daily shocks of his norm-shattering first White House tenure look tame. Some of the particulars have already blown up into campaign furors, thanks to Trump’s public remarks about abandoning NATO allies and serving as a “dictator” on “day one,” as well as leaks of his private musings on a 16-week abortion ban. His supporters’ policy manifestos have yielded headlines predicting that Trump

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