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Palästina und die Allmende: Oder, Marx und die Musha’a

Published On: 1. März 2024 18:43

houlders to the land promised to their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for an everlasting inheritance.” This was the beginning of the Christian Zionist movement, which continues to shape politics in the Middle East to this day. The link between imperialism, capitalism, and Zionism is clear in this history. The dispossession of the Palestinian people is not just a result of colonialism, but also of the capitalist drive for profit and expansion. The struggle for the commons, for communal ownership and production, is a struggle against the forces of privatization and exploitation. It is a struggle for justice, for the right of all people to live in dignity and freedom. The history of the commons in Palestine is a history of resistance and resilience, of struggle and solidarity. It is a history that continues to inspire us today, as we fight for a world where the commons are protected and shared by all

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Palestine & the Commons: Or, Marx & the Musha’a

In 1958 the assistant headmaster did the Bible reading at the morning assembly of the Karachi Grammar School (Pakistan), founded in 1848 by the Church of England.[1] The reading from Acts 17:23 concerned St. Paul’s declaration upon seeing the Athenian monument to an unknown God. “What you worship but do not know—this is what I now proclaim,” at which point I, seventeen years old at the time, shouted the answer for all to hear: “Communism.” As a child of both British and American empires I had come to this rebellious conclusion two years earlier at the Frankfurt Army High School. Based on study of The Communist Manifesto which I conducted in the library of the Officers Club at the I.G.

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